Trump and Biden signs continue to result in violence and vandalism in MA, Fall River, as property vandalized twice this week

Support for a presidential candidate continues to be the cause of vandalism and violence both in the Fall River area and throughout the country.
Fall River Police are reportedly investigating after a property in the city was vandalized for the second time this week.
Frank Wing, who owns the vandalized property at 1368 Plymouth Avenue, Wings Television Inc., stated that a rock was thrown through a glass door that had Trump signs located on the property earlier this week. Signs were also damaged.
“Someone threw a rock through the front door window on the property our company owns in Fall River. I recently put two Trump signs up there which were also somewhat damaged. We have owned this property since the 80’s and have had hundreds of political signs put up there at this highly traffic location for various candidates from both political parties over these many years and this was the only time anyone has ever done any damage to this property because of the signs that have been there.”
Wing informed Fall River Reporter that another sign of his was partially destroyed last night at the same location.
“This is a big problem nationwide and Biden does not want to ask these people to stop it.”
This is far from the first incident in recent days.
A woman was assaulted in Fall River over displaying Trump flags.
If you have any information on the vandalism, contact Fall River Police.
Sharon Rapoza
October 16, 2020 at 9:12 pm
“This is a big problem nationwide and Biden does not want to ask these people to stop it.”
Excuse me but let’s not blame Biden for the hate that Trump spews every time he opens his mouth.
Mortis Maximus
October 16, 2020 at 10:28 pm
You must be a card carrying antifa member because you are projecting. It is the left who is responsible for the political violence against Trump supporters, because they are not attacking themselves or their own. You are clearly another deranged liberal who hates America. Let’s sell what’s left of the country to the chinese commies who were happy to send us the Wuhan China Virus. WOKE JOKE…