Massachusetts library receives bomb threat to stop family Pride storytime

READING – Town Manager Matt Kraunelis and Police Chief David Clark and Fire Chief Gregory Burns would like to provide the following update regarding Saturday morning’s bomb threat at a library.
Reading Police and Reading Fire with assistance from the Massachusetts State Police Bomb Squad, Salem Police and Endicott College Police, conducted a thorough search of the Reading Public Library and Reading Town Hall and determined the threat was unfounded and there was no danger to the public. The library reopened for normal business hours this afternoon.
The incident remains under investigation, but immediate indications are that the threat was an attempt to disrupt a Pride event being held at the library, based on the email threat containing a thinly veiled reference to the event which was scheduled to begin minutes after the threat was received. A similar threat was received in another community earlier in the week, according to law enforcement.
Reading Police are actively investigating this incident as biased motivated crime.
“The Town of Reading condemns acts of violence, disruption and hate within our community and against our citizens. Everyone deserves to feel safe in Reading,” Town Manager Kraunelis said. “Our community is built on and strives toward inclusivity for all, and instances such as these will not be tolerated.”
“I would like to thank our mutual aid partners and the State Police bomb squad, the Salem Police Department K9, and Endicott College Police Department K9, for their assistance in this incident and working with us to keep our community safe,” said Chief Clark. “We will bring the full power of our agency to bear on the investigation. Threatening violence and harm to others will not be tolerated in Reading. We will not be silent on these matters, and our neighbors will not be intimidated.”
The library issued the following statement.
“Today, the Reading Public Library received a bomb threat, stating a device would detonate during the heart of a family Pride storytime on a busy Saturday morning.
“All staff and visitors quickly evacuated the building with no incident. Reading Public Safety and Law Enforcement found the building safe after a thorough investigation. At the request of library staff, the building reopened at 1:00 p.m. to continue serving our community.
“Public libraries are sanctuaries for our entire community. Any threats to libraries and staff are attacks on intellectual freedom and open societies. Libraries serve all. Threats that seek to ostracize and marginalize members of our community are repellent, cowardly, and un-American.
“We will not be silenced, nor will we curtail our mission to serve all, including the LGBTQIA+ community. Today, we stand with the brave members of our entire professional library staff and volunteers who serve our neighbors day in and day out. Further, we thank the hard work and dedication of Police Chief Clark, Fire Chief Burns, and their entire departments for their diligence today and all days, ensuring our library is a safe, open space.
“I ask you to stand with our Library, staff, and town against violent threats to our institutions, neighbors, and families. “
Dr David
March 24, 2024 at 1:03 am
Defund public libraries; they are antiquated money pits and the depraved and hate-filled LBXGTZX Left has turned them into a public square for sexually dangerous men to spiritually and emotionally rape young children.
Start with the Fall River Public ‘library.’ SHUT IT DOWN !
Trump loves the poorly educated.....
March 25, 2024 at 10:24 am
With your level of ignorance I’m sure you’d never used one. Are you teaching your kids to be haters like you? Only freedom for white straight Christian fascist? Let me suggest poor ass red as hell Mississippi where they don’t like to finance education and they have the lowest IQs in the country. They’re pretty much lowest in every metric. Is that what you want?
March 24, 2024 at 8:07 am
My daughter and I use to go to the fall river library 3x a week. We stopped going 3 years ago when they started drag story time. It’s kinda hard to explain to a normal child why a grown man is dressed like a fairy and acts like a silly woman. It’s a slap in the face when you go into the children’s and teen room and there pride flags are hanging everywhere! Bravo for making others for feeling uncomfortable in what was suppose to be a safe space.
Dr David
March 25, 2024 at 1:51 pm
The reason the Trans Mafia seeks out PUBLIC buildings to push their debauchery is that PUBLIC means “STATE” By forcing a public library, school, town or city hall to host a depraved Drag Cult Performance the STATE effectively approves and encourages this depravity …. and the STATE in modern American Society does fully embrace and advance this depravity all the way down from the White House to Fall River City Leadership.
It is a clear symptom of the collapse of the Judeo-Christian value that the Western Civilization was built on.
Furthermore, the primary reason the Dark Spirit that possesses the Trans Mafia seeks to act out in front of small children is to confuse the children about their perception of their gender and more important, their Parents, particularly the Father. Even a very small children can tell that the creepy women prancing before them are actually Men … so then the children become gender confused in general and in particular as the role of their father (typically an absent baby-daddy) cause no real father would expose his Children to this very Dark Occult practice. The whole mess is a sick and demonic practice and Mayor Coogan allowing it is a stain on his soul.
Trump loves the poorly educated.....
March 25, 2024 at 10:21 am
Fascism is alive and well in them Fall River Mass! The ignorant just love to push their hate on everybody. They only believe in freedom for Christian fascist. The ignorant uneducated indoctrinated from birth Christian fascist want to force the majority to believe in their hate. I thought God loved all his children? But since God is a man-made creation I guess God truly is a reflection of ignorant, uneducated men.
I bet you’re also okay with the tactics of these Christian fascists? These are the same people that never read a Bible in their lives. These are the same kind of fools that support the Antichrist former president.
Jason Rearick
March 25, 2024 at 11:46 am
STFU WHEN I think my kids are ready to learn about drag and men dressing like women and being gay ILL TELL THEM. THATS MY RIGHT AS A PERSON AND YOU CANT DO NOTHING ABOUT IT. YOU SOUND LIKE a pedo stay away from my kids.
Trump loves the poorly educated suckers.....
March 25, 2024 at 9:23 pm
And you sound like a deranged person and probably not too bright. Personally I’m in love with a woman but I do have gay friends and they’re not pedophiles. Most pedophiles are straight white men. You’re like too many that just perpetuates the hate. So now you’re just passing your ignorance onto your children. You want them to be stupid as you?