Two Fall River commercial buildings approved to be turned into 11 apartment units, 4 additional units also given the green light

3 projects totaling 15 new apartment units were given the go-ahead at a recent meeting in Fall River.
At last week’s Fall River Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, Fatima Rodrigues sought a variance to convert the existing commercial structure at 452 South Main Street, the former Alexandra’s Bridal Boutique now at 372 South Main Street, into five residential units in a Central Business Zoning District. Rodrigues also sought a special permit to reduce parking requirements.
According to the architect firm, the property footprint will remain intact, and the current building will be retrofitted to include 1- and 2-bedroom luxury apartments.
There will be 8 parking spaces for the 5 units.
Rodrigues stated that she wants to make the building beautiful and attractive and feels it is currently an eyesore because it is currently empty.
The Board granted the variance and the special permit.
Also, at the ZBA meeting, Hyde Development LLC sought a variance to demolish the existing automotive repair facility at 394 Hope Street and construct 2 townhouse style triplex dwellings, totaling 6 residential units on a 15,518 sq. ft. lot. Waiving unit density, side yard and rear yard setbacks, as well as lot area and lot coverage requirements in an A-2 (Apartment) Zoning District.
Attorney Thomas Killoran, representing Hyde Development LLC, stated there would be 13 parking spaces on the property in addition to 3 off-street spots. He also mentioned that the proposal would beautify the property further including adding some green space.
The Board granted the variance and the waivers.
Lastly, 164 Elm Street LLC sought a special permit to convert the existing 4-unit apartment building at 164 Elm Street into an 8-unit apartment building, waiving lot area and front yard setbacks. The applicant also sought another special permit to reduce parking requirements. The property is located in a B-L (Local Business) Zoning District, AOD (Arts) Overlay District, and an HD-1 (Housing Development) Overlay District.
Attorney Peter Saulino, representing 164 Elm Street LLC, stated that there will be 9 parking spots on site with approximately 10 available spots in the local neighborhood. All of the units will be 3 bedrooms.
The Board granted the special permits and waivers.
No more freebie’s
November 24, 2023 at 10:27 am
It’s a good thing if they are MARKET RATE