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Disabled vehicle on Route 6 leads to three arrests of Fall River and New Bedford residents



A disabled vehicle on Route 6 has led to the arrests of Fall River and New Bedford residents.

According to Westport Police, on Tuesday, Officer Jarrod Levesque assisted with a disabled motor vehicle in the area of State Road and Old Bedford Road. He ran a query of the registration and learned the owner, Wayne Ferreira of Fall River, had an active arrest warrant. Officer Levesque spoke with the three occupants of the vehicle. After this brief conversation, Ferreira was placed under arrest and searched for weapons. During the search, a bag of suspected cocaine was located in his sock.

While Ferreira was being placed in a cruiser, Arielle LaFreniere of New Bedford was observed reaching into the vehicle. Officer Levesque stopped her, and she requested her purse that was in the backseat. While retrieving the purse another bag of suspected cocaine was located and she was placed under arrest.

A third passenger in the vehicle provided a false name and was eventually identified as Cliff Cardoso of New Bedford who was also placed under arrest on warrants.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Susan

    November 23, 2023 at 10:37 am

    They should have used their money on car repairs instead of drugs.

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