Taunton child rapist/abuser sentenced to state prison

A 32-year-old Taunton man who raped and assaulted his young relative on numerous occasions was sentenced to serve 15 to 17 years in state prison after being convicted at trial in Fall River Superior Court, Bristol County District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III announced.
According to Gregg Miliote, Deosdete Faria was convicted during a jury trial of rape-aggravated by age, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a child and indecent assault and battery on a person under 14.
The six-day long trial was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Thompson.
On April 16, 2016 the 11-year-old victim ran away after being beaten by the defendant with a belt the night before. When she was found, the child had bruising all over her face, shoulder and back. The child disclosed that the defendant had been molesting her for around four years. The evidence at trial showed the defendant penetrated her digitally and performed oral sex on her, and also touched her breasts with his hands and mouth.
During a sentencing hearing before Judge William Sullivan, ADA Thompson argued for a 20 to 25 year state prison term, with five years of probation. The defense, however, recommended a 10 year state prison term with no probation.
Judge Sullivan sentenced the defendant to serve 15 to 17 years in state prison, to be followed by five years of supervised probation.
“This defendant took advantage of his relationship with the victim by violently beating and molesting her. She was only a child and should have been enjoying life instead of being subjected to this type of despicable conduct. The sentence was well deserved.,” District Attorney Quinn said.
The terms of his probation include:
a) The defendant shall attend sex offender treatment at his own expense as directed by the Probation Officer and as ordered by the court, at a program approved by the Probation Department, and shall remain in treatment unless and until professionally discharged by the approved sex offender therapist;
b) The Defendant shall provide the Probation Department with signed releases as to any therapy/treatment he attends throughout the term of Probation;
c) The defendant shall not reside in a household with minor children (including his own);
d) The defendant shall have no unsupervised contact with minor children.
e) The defendant shall have no supervised contact with minor children unless and until the supervisor has been approved in advance by the Probation Officer and informed by Probation Officer of the offense for which the defendant is on probation and of any other sexual offense for which the defendant has been found guilty.
f) The defendant shall not be employed in a job that puts him into contact with minor children on a regular basis and all employment must be approved in advance by the Probation Officer.
g) The defendant shall not perform volunteer activities that put him into contact with children on a regular basis and all volunteer activities must be approved in advance by the Probation Officer.
h) The defendant shall not date any parent of a minor child without permission from the Probation Officer and, if permission is granted, said individual must be informed by the Probation Officer of the offense for which the defendant is on probation and of any other sexual offense for which the defendant has been found guilty.
i) The defendant shall comply with his legal obligations to register with the Sex Offender Registry Board.
j) The defendant shall be subject to GPS monitoring as required by statute for the entirety of his probation sentence with exclusion zones as to the victim when she is in Massachusetts, and agrees that the exclusion zones for GPS may be altered as deemed appropriate by probation. The exclusion zone suggested is Taunton, Massachusetts.
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