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Suspect drives stolen vehicle through Massachusetts business in alleged smash and grab



Kingston PD is investigating a felony breaking and entering that occurred Thursday during the early morning hours.

Allegations are that unknown suspects stole a white pickup truck, drove it through the front of the Mobil gas station at 130 Main St in Kingston, causing significant damage to the building, stole an ATM, then left the ATM and stolen truck in a remote area of Kingston. There are several pieces of evidence being pursued and the investigation remains active.

Police are asking if you live in these areas and have video surveillance to review the video for anything of suspicion. Individuals walking around in unusual areas, unusual vehicles idling in the area (potentially as lookouts), etc.

Timeframe: Today 4/25/24 from 4:00AM until 6:30AM

Streets and surrounding neighborhoods of:
1) Allerton St, Plymouth
2) 80-160 Main St, Kingston
3) Smelt Pond and Raboth Road, Kingston

Detectives and Officers are also canvassing these neighborhoods door to door to gather evidence. If you have anything of value to the investigation, contact Det. Lt. Mike Skowyra at or 781-585-0523 ext. 6662.

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