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Stop & Shop issues apology, states food is being donated as strike continues



Photo courtesy of video by Brian Fraga

President Mark McGowan has issued an apology to customers as the strike continues. The letter sent Monday states as follows:

We apologize for the inconvenience that the strike has caused our loyal customers.

First, we want you to know, Stop & Shop recognizes the valuable role our associates play in creating a great experience for you. They are a part of your lives, a part of our community, and key to our success. That’s why it is so important to us to provide a fair contract to our employees who are members of the UFCW unions currently on strike.

The wages, healthcare, and pension offer for all of our employees – full and part-time, across all stores – are among the best for New England retail and supermarket associates. This contract offer is no exception. That’s why we are committed to continued discussions until a fair and reasonable result is achieved.

We are committed to resolving our labor negotiations as quickly as possible so that our employees can return to their jobs and we can get back to better serving you and the community.

In the interim, we’re also committed to keeping our doors open for our customers. We are grateful to members of the management team and others who are jumping in to assure that you continue to receive service. Most stores remain open for business 7 days a week, from 8am-8pm, with some reduced services. However, Bakery, Customer Service, Deli, and Seafood counters will not be operational, and we currently have a limited meat selection. Our gas stations are also closed at this time.

Be assured, we are grateful for your understanding and are working around the clock to get back to business as usual. In the meantime, thanks for sticking with us.

Also according to WFSB, Stop & Shop is working with food banks and local food pantries to donate as much food as possible.

Both sides continue to negotiate, but a resolution doesn’t appear to be close as of yet.

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