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State of Massachusetts files civil action against group that protested Drag Queen Story Hours, immigrant emergency shelters



Photo courtesy of Attorney General's Office

The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office has filed a complaint against a group and two of their leaders after the protests of drag queen story times in Fall River, Taunton, Boston, and Jamaica Plain.

The suit filed this month states that the Commonwealth brings the action against the Nationalist Social Club, Christopher Hood and Liam McNeil to “address their escalating violations of the state’s civil rights laws, and the disruptions to public peace and safety caused by their unlawful conduct.”

The Nationalist Social Club is described in the filing as “a private association that is active in New England” in which “Hood and McNeil direct and control the Club’s activities in Massachusetts.

“Defendants have recently and repeatedly engaged in violent, threatening, intimidating, and coercive conduct that has interfered with the exercise of rights secured by state and federal law; unlawfully obstructed access to public accommodations, including libraries and hotels; and damaged, defaced, and unlawfully intruded upon property throughout Massachusetts.”

The complaint alleges that NSC describes itself as a “Nazi” organization engaged in the “existential struggle” of “European peoples across the world fighting for their lives and honor.” The Club engages in a range of activities that it claims are intended to identify and combat the “enemies” of “true white New Englanders.” NSC’s principal long-term objective is to establish a “homeland” in New England for white residents of European ancestry. Club members frequently reference this common objective using the slogan “New England is ours, the rest must go.”

The group is accused of street fighting, assaulted members of the public, repeatedly displayed homophobic banners, shouting anti-LGBTQ+ slogans and slurs and interfering with access to event spaces in public libraries.

According to the filing, the group published and distributed a flyer titled “Defend the Family,” in which it indicated that the Club was targeting Story Hours because the events were used to promote “harmful and degenerate lifestyles such as homosexuality, transsexuality, and
‘drag culture.’”

Details released in the civil action stated that on December 10, 2022, NSC targeted a Story Hour being held at the Public Library on North Main Street in Fall River.

“Approximately twenty NSC members traveled to Fall River to “disrupt and shutdown” the event. During the Story Hour, several NSC members assaulted two people associated with the LGBTQ+ community group that had organized the event. When the NSC members arrived at the Library, there was no observable police presence in the area. Uniformed Club members quickly set up two lines obstructing access to the main entrance to the Library from North Main Street. NSC also deployed members dressed in “civilian” clothing to act as spotters, observing the area and looking out for law enforcement. The uniformed NSC members in front of the library displayed a banner that read “DRAG QUEENS ARE PEDOPHILES,” and began loudly chanting anti-LGBTQ+ slogans at a group of people who had gathered in the Library entranceway. After several minutes, masked NSC members attempted to enter the Library in order to “disrupt and shut down” the Story Hour.”

As alleged in the complaint, “on January 14, 2023, NSC targeted a Story Hour being held at the Public Library on Pleasant Street in Taunton. During this event, NSC members entered the Library and disrupted the Story Hour, scaring families and small children and causing officers from the Taunton Police Department to evacuate the performer through a side entrance.

On July 23, approximately twenty NSC members reportedly traveled to Jamaica Plain to attempt to “shut down” a Story Hour being held at the Loring Greenough House.

On August 8, 2022, NSC reportedly targeted a Story Hour being held in the Boston Seaport at an event space on Harbor Way. The Story Hour was canceled by organizers due to safety concerns after approximately twenty NSC members arrived in a group and lined up in formation immediately in front of the public entrance to the building.

In addition to the Drag Queen Story Hours, between October 2022 and October 2023, NSC is alleged to have carried out a series of Club actions intended to interfere with emergency shelter provided to recent immigrants at local hotels in an attempt to coerce the hotels to deny emergency shelter to non-white, non-European immigrants; and to coerce non-white, non-European immigrants to leave the hotels and the Commonwealth. Uniformed NSC members reportedly marched onto hotel property and lined up in the private driveway opposite the main entrance, obstructing access to the hotel. The NSC members held up a banner that read “REFUGEES NOT WELCOME” and loudly chanted slogans, including “Go Home” and “New England is ours, the rest must go.”

The Commonwealth brings claims for public nuisance, trespass, civil conspiracy, and violations of the Civil Rights Act and Public Accommodations Law and seeks injunctive relief, damages, civil penalties, costs and fees.



  1. Fed Up

    December 16, 2023 at 4:11 pm

    First amendment doesn’t apply to anyone who disagrees with us. This is what the state is wasting your tax dollars on. clowns.

  2. No precedent here

    December 16, 2023 at 4:11 pm

    Freedom of Speech and Expression people!

  3. Dr David

    December 17, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    Yes, who is a more serious and immediate threat to your community, culture and children …. a handful of goofball, moron ‘Nazis’ or mentally ill male sexual deviants dressed up as women seeking to sexually titillate themselves in front of small children as well as groom those children into a confusion of their inherent GENDER, and their relationship with their parents, most significantly .. the father ???

    The reason that the Sexually Depraved Men do not seek to perform at a nightclub but rather in front of small children at a STATE SANCTIONED venue (the local Public Library) is that the Dark Spirit driving this phenomenon desires to spiritually RAPE the children with the STATE approving it. This lawsuit only advances the STATE sanctioned approval of spiritual child rape. Make no mistake … your Children have become are a target of sacrifice by the State and Federal Governments. If you still can not see this even now that it is out in the OPEN; then your intellect has becoming darkened by your spiritual lethargy. Turn off your mindless sports programming and grow the F up

  4. Antifa destroys hate. Fascism is hate.

    December 18, 2023 at 8:40 am

    All the idiots above think that if someone show it’s okay to be who you are they are going to catch it like it’s a common cold or virus. They refuse to see believe the science that gender can be fluid. They were probably born with Neanderthal brains that are always in fear of anything they don’t understand and a too lazy to educate themselves because they think they’re so freaking smart but what they really are is really low IQ and ignorant.

    Hopefully none of the above ever had offspring that didn’t conform to the biological assignment because closed-minded parents of LGBQ children cause psychological harm and we know that’s true and we also know that you can’t cure gay.

    Oh and Nazis are never okay. Look what happened to Germany with all that hate. They got annihilated. Yeah let’s self-destruct our country with hate when we are diverse society and if we don’t get along we destroy our country but hey morons think they love the country and instead they ruin it for everybody.

  5. Dr David

    December 18, 2023 at 12:56 pm

    the reason that LBGTQ Tranny Nazis are so intolerant, aggressive, loud, mean, vindictive, treacherous, and subversive and evil is that the whole concept of ‘gender fluid’ non -binary, two men can be ‘married’, men can get pregnant, women can be men, men can be women …on and on …. is all pure insanity … it is the most insane of all insanity in the history of the Human Race.

    when you are trying to advance a FALSE, INSANE, DEPRAVED, and EVIL ideology …. you simply can not tolerate any counter narrative because upon the slightest contemplation, the slightest introspection … the ideology completely implodes but the dark spirit that drives all this ideology will not be denied. It must be defeated …. and will be … it will defeat itself because ; THERE IS NO TRUTH IN IT.

    • Antifa loves everybody no matter how they were born

      December 18, 2023 at 2:04 pm

      No you’re just a hater. You hate and fear what you can’t understand because of ignorance. You have beliefs because you’ve been indoctrinated since birth to believe in a man-made god and a hateful religion that’s full of hate but claims to be loving. They teach that God loves all his children and then hate some of his children. Hate is hate and hate hurts and if you’ve never felt hate you don’t have a clue how much it hits. But haters have to hate because it makes them feel superior. Be glad you were born straight because haters will hate you because they’re full of hate and have no love. Christian white fascist nationalist hate. Oh and they’re in fear that brown people are going to take over the country and hate on them which they probably deserve because some white people in this country think they’re superior.

      What’s the matter haters afraid you’re going to turn gay if you’re exposed to it and you think you’re straight children are going to turn in gay if they’re exposed to it maybe because you’re a weak minded idiots.

      • Dr David

        December 19, 2023 at 12:32 am

        LBGTQXXX are dangerous religious zealots. They take their religion very, very seriously. Just like the Islamists and the Hitler’s Brown Shirt precursors to the NAZI SS there is ZERO tolerance from LBGXXTX …. they attack anyone who will not accept their twisted depravity shoved in your face.
        Men dressed up as women demand access to a Public Library to groom toddlers … LBTXGX in elementary schools to conduct a psych-OP on a child’s mental and emotional stability, laws passed to prohibit speech they don’t approve of … now that’s dangerous a religion ! The USA is a post White Christian nation … they are dying out … but they were never a threat to LBGTX ….just an easy bogeyman … but the ‘migrants’ flooding in …now LGTBXX is going to have a real threat in a few years once migrant numbers tip majority. good luck

  6. The52ndIntelligenceAgent

    December 19, 2023 at 5:46 pm

    Antifa loves Trump and MAGA.

  7. Francesca Piantedosi

    December 21, 2023 at 11:55 pm

    Your “true white” ancestors should have considered your great discontent, before going to another continent to gather the backbone of the U.S. economy. Maybe they could have done the work themselves. Nah, too lazy, plus not having anyone to torture would have made them more insane than they already were.

    But please, don’t write social constructs that do no reflect reality, like “true white”;also spare yourself the “drag queens are pedophiles”. In both cases, your great ignorance appears very clearly, and makes you simply laughable. Maybe before coming up with your personal beliefs as universal truths, you should crack open a book or two, and actually become informed, instead of becoming the laughing stock of the whole human race.

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