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Owner of stolen Fall River dog recounts how she got her lovable pet back



A family who had been looking for their pet dog for over a week received some great news thanks to help from the public.

Mandy Hancock was worried sick after her missing dog that has medical issues was reportedly stolen.

“Griselda has severe allergies as well as hyperkeratosis on her small paw pads (meaning pads needs to be soaked after every walk). With her allergies it causes severe scabbing, scratching and hair loss as well as skin breakdown.”

Griselda went missing from the Tuttle and Benjamin Street area of Fall River.

Mandy had been told of two people that live on Tripp Street that stole the dog.

“My sister and I went over to the building to ask questions. At that time a maybe 10–12-year-old girl exited the first-floor front of the building and walked over to ask us if we have a picture because her back neighbor “crazy angie” has a new dog this afternoon outside here. I asked what the dog looked like. The girl described my dog before the picture was even shown to her.”

Mandy also contacted the Fall River Police Department.

“I contacted the cops right away. They came, but without proof could do nothing but knock and search what they were allowed to.”

On Wednesday, Griselda was finally home where she belonged which left Mandy grateful for the public’s help.

“Thank you everyone who kept sharing and helping. Without the public’s help this would not have been able to happen!”

Mandy shared with Fall River Reporter the crazy incident that resulted in her getting her beloved pet back.

“I received a call late last night. Almost didn’t answer. A Spanish man said he had my dog. What’s my address? I said send me a pic to verify first, but he just kept asking for my address and said he knows it’s my dog cause his friends keep telling him the city is looking for my dog! He sent me a pic. I called him back. It was definitely her. He showed up with 3 cars full of people demanding I give him $2000 back of which he paid for her or I’m not (getting) my dog. My sister already had Griselda in her arms though so she wouldn’t let her go. She got in her car, and they tried to step in front of the car and kept calling me making threats!”

The Police have been contacting concerning the incident.

While it isn’t clear if this saga is totally over, the important thing is Griselda is home.

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