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Massachusetts State Police issue update concerning “global day of jihad” — attacks against non-Islamists



Photo courtesy of State Police Association of Massachusetts

According to Dave Procopio of Massachusetts State Police, the former leader of the terrorist group Hamas has called for a “Global Day of Jihad” — or attacks against non-Islamists — today, Friday, Oct. 13, 2023.

At this time, MSP is not aware of a specific or credible threats in Massachusetts related to the attack on Israel or the call for jihad by terrorists, but Procopio says they are vigilant.

“Please know that we maintain constant vigilance and a consistently high state of readiness to rapidly respond to developing threats, critical incidents, and requests for assistance.”

“Our Fusion Center — our intelligence center — is in constant communication with our local, federal, and international law enforcement partners regarding potential threats, while our Watch Center monitors incidents across the state and region 24/7/365 to provide awareness to incident commanders and coordinate deployment of State Police assets as needed.”

“We will continue to communicate with and advise our partners, including the ADL and other organizations of any potential threats. Additionally, we are prepared to support communities and educational institutions with protest and civil disorder response if needed.
As always, we urge the public to call 911 to immediately report any suspicious person, object, or activity to law enforcement.”



  1. OBiden sucks

    October 13, 2023 at 12:13 pm

    Obummer must be happy. The Muslim that he is.

  2. MortisMaximus

    October 13, 2023 at 12:29 pm

    America is an armed Republic and must stay this way!

  3. Fed Up

    October 13, 2023 at 2:09 pm

    While Massachusetts Pols are actively trying to disarm Massachusetts law abiding citizens making them soft targets while they’re all protected by armed State troopers with the arms they’re trying to ban you from legally owning. They should all be removed from office for dereliction of duty and for not honoring the oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States

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