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Massachusetts groups rallying in support of rent control and foreclosure prevention bills



Several Massachusetts groups are getting behind multiple bills that they believe will have a positive impact on tenants.

On Thursday morning, Homes for All Massachusetts will join other advocates to rally and voice support for several pieces of rent control and foreclosure prevention legislation on the State House steps.

Those include proposals from Reps. Rogers and Montaño and Sen. Jehlen (H 2103 / S 1299) that would repeal the ban on rent control and allow municipalities to pursue local rental ordinances, as well as from Reps. Barber and Capano and Sen. Gomez (H 942 / S 653) that would establish a foreclosure prevention program helping homeowners explore alternative options.

The rent control bill would allow a city or town to impose a limit on the size of annual rent increases and require that evictions be based on “just cause” by either a local binding ballot question, majority vote of its governing body, by-law, ordinance, or local charter provision.

It’s been nearly 30 years since Massachusetts voters banned rent control in a 1994 ballot question.

Ahead of the rally, there will be a legislative briefing in the State House.

State House News Service contributed to this report.



  1. Red Pilled

    May 29, 2023 at 2:43 pm

    Water, sewer, property taxes, homeowners insurance, interest rates, cost of repairing all have increased dramatically in last 2-3 years. Most of it due to the same politicians who now may vote for rent control. My advice to multi family owners raise your rents now even more. Rent control is coming

    • Antifa

      May 29, 2023 at 3:45 pm

      Oh really what policies caused all those problems?

      So you’re saying it’s not profitable anymore? 🤣

      • Red Pilled

        May 29, 2023 at 8:56 pm

        The train is coming it’s going to get more profitable !!!

  2. MortisMaximus

    May 29, 2023 at 7:14 pm

    Welcome to communism where the State is dictate. Antifa is dog whistle for fascist scum who want all of their detractors punished by death. Mob rule is not compatible with our Bill of Rights. Long live the Republic!

    • Antifa

      May 30, 2023 at 8:03 am

      You don’t seem to know your ideologies. Extreme to the right is fascism and extreme to the left is communism. Have you been this confused your whole life??? Nobody wants anybody dead. No wonder you’re a sucker for MAGAt fascism! Too stupid to know you’re stupid. It’s called Dunning-Kruger syndrome when you’re not smart enough to understand that you’re not that smart.

      So you’re not anti-fascist? So by you fascism is okay again???

  3. Fool

    May 30, 2023 at 2:06 pm

    As a landlord, rent control is the best thing that can happen.

    The incentive to make updates to my units will be gone. I can do half-assed repairs and if tenants want to stay in my now substandard housing with the maximum allowable yearly increases, which are cumulative, I’ll make money.

    If they want to leave, there will be little housing stock, as most will stay in rent-controlled units, which will cost them a fortune because new-to-market apartments will be building the increases up front.

    Go ahead and put rent control in place and expect 30%+ immediate increases before the law takes effect and don’t plan on moving in the next twenty years.

    Remember what Carole Fiola said, “nobody wants Fall River’s ugly houses.” Now the average tenement is selling for 500k+.

  4. TheRealAntifa

    June 2, 2023 at 6:36 pm

    Rent control, while government spending of taxpayer dollars remains out of control, is the status quo. Blame the politicos who have held power in Massachusetts for decades. If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny. Sic Semper Tyrannus!

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