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Hot chocolate with Santa to bring Christmas light show and fun for all on Saturday



Photo courtesy of Pereira Light Show

It is one of the more popular Fall River Christmas light displays and that would be entertaining enough, but today, Joe and Steph Pereira have a special treat.

The Pereira’s are holding their 4th annual free hot chocolate with Santa event this evening. The event starts at 6:00 p.m. and Santa will be joining everyone from approximately 7:00 pm-8 pm. The family encourages everyone to bring a camera or phone to take pictures with Santa.

In addition to Santa’s arrival and the light show, arts and crafts will be available for the kids to create their masterpiece along with blank stationery to write letters to Santa. There will be a mailbox for the letters to Santa and if the parent/child writes their return address, Santa will respond back to the child.

The event will also have a segment where people can give back. You can help bring some Christmas cheer to less fortunate children by donating stocking stuffers. The Pereira’s plan to use the items to fill stockings to make Christmas brighter for kids at Christmas. Last year Joe and Steph were able to fill 99 stockings and they are looking to exceed that number this year. Donations can be dropped off at the event or anytime until Saturday, December 14th at Ultra Tan Salon & Spa, 428 South Main Street, Fall River.

All are welcome to drop by 481 Ridge Street to attend the festivities regardless of a donation.

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