Governor Maura Healey to attend inaugurations for Fall River and New Bedford elected officials this week

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey will be making two trips to the South Coast in the next two days.
On Tuesday, January 2nd, at 4:30 p.m., the inauguration of elected municipal officers will be held at B.M.C. Durfee High School Nagle Auditorium in Fall River. The elected officials being inaugurated are the Mayor-Elect, Members-Elect of City Council, and Members-Elect of School Committee.
Honored guests Healey and Jake Auchincloss, United States Representative, will also be in attendance.
The Elections of President and Vice President of the City Council will also occur. Administrating the Oath of Offices will be Alison Bouchard, Fall River City Clerk.
On Monday, January 1st, at 7:00 p.m. at Keith Middle School, 225 Hathaway Blvd., New Bedford, the inauguration ceremony for Mayor Jon Mitchell and other elected officials in New Bedford will take place.
Healey is scheduled to swear in Mitchell to his sixth four-year term, which will run through 2027.
City Clerk Dennis Farais will administer the oath to members of the City Council, Board of Assessors and School Committee.
No Dems are good
January 1, 2024 at 1:48 pm
Wish they all would just go away.
MAGA's are frightened fascist fools and a cult
January 1, 2024 at 5:43 pm
If you want Republican leadership may I suggest you move to Mississippi where everything sucks. Reddish in the nation! The worst schools, horrible infrastructure, highest poverty, highest unemployment rate, and some of the highest crime and especially violent crime. This state isn’t going to change so if you don’t like it here don’t let the door hit you in the a** on the way out.
January 1, 2024 at 7:01 pm
Yes it is frightening to watch the cost of living escalate due to rampant inflation from Government spending. We are not frightened by race, religion and economic standing. We are afraid of government pilfering and plundering. We are also not afraid of 70 year old ANTIFA wannabes. It is not cool that you want to be a broke smelly 20 something living in your parents basement. If you want to be a man and wear a dress at least go to work and support said lifestyle. Come as you are, just don’t come as a broke Commie Fascist and tell us it is our job to support your whims…
MAGAt's are a fascist cult of idiots.
January 2, 2024 at 9:05 am
Oh really? How did she put your cost up? It’s more like capitalist increased their prices coming out of COVID and their profits have gone up. I don’t care who you vote for they’re not bringing prices back down again. You better go watch your boss for a raise cuz he’s making more money unless he’s an idiot. Oh they don’t want to give you a raise then maybe unionize. UPS and the UAW received fantastic raises and have excellent benefits. They’re actually sharing in the wealth of the company instead of working like stupid slaves.
Do you want a socialist government that controls everything including the cost of goods and services? The only thing that works for is in medical care but we know conservatives love paying the highest medical prices in the world for sh**** care and some can’t afford to use their insurance that they have.
But yet I keep on hearing that Republicans want to replace Obamacare but never present a plan. That’s just like the Trump commercial that’s on TV right now in Boston for the New Hampshire market. It’s all bulls*** negatives and but doesn’t tell us what he would do differently except for the things that they already don’t work like walls. Walls are proven to not work but yet conservatives love walls! Yeah let’s waste more money on something that doesn’t work! How conservative is that? Not! Let’s not invest in infrastructure and let it all collapse. That’s just like a business that never invest back into itself until it’s out of business. Like I said you don’t like it here don’t let the door hit me in the ass! Mississippi is calling!
January 2, 2024 at 3:00 pm
You clearly have no clue how the monetary system works. When the government keeps deficit spending and increasing the money supply you get inflation. When wages are mandated by stupid politicians prices go up. When the work force is sidelined due to a Plandemic, supply falls causing increased prices. You are a prisoner of the uniparty duopoly. The auto industry survives because it is a National Security imperative, they have taken Billions in taxpayer funded bailouts same as the Healthcare Insurers. Receiving information from you on anything is preposterous, you are clearly as stupid as our failing political elites. Antifa are scum degenerates with IQ’s in the low 60’s which is why they want to eliminate MCAS. MAGA is coming back because Americans spanning the entire political spectrum, have been hosed by feckless, America Hating operatives of the New World Order. Go spread your Fascist Commie lies and propaganda elsewhere, you look foolish here…
January 1, 2024 at 5:20 pm
Wonder if she will talk about all the hard earned taxes she has given away to all the illegals she has allowed to come here that are putting a heavy burden on our system. Doubt if anything is said. She wants the problem to go away, but it will not. The Dems wanted this and now they don’t know what to do about it. Make your bed, lie in it.