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In Fall River election, Coogan stays mayor, 2 new seats for City Council, new member for School Committee



Here are the results from Tuesday’s Fall River Municipal Election for mayor, city council, and school committee (winners in bold).

Mayor Paul Coogan beat out former mayor and challenger Sam Sutter.

Paul Coogan 6643 60%
C. Samuel Sutter 4310 39%

The Fall River City Council will see 2 new members as Leo Pelletier did not run for re-election and Pam Laliberte bowed out after the preliminary election. Cliff Ponte previously served on the council including as president. Paul Hart is also a veteran of the Fall River political scene with most recently being elected to the school committee where he currently serves.

Linda Pereira 5848
Bradford Kilby 4813
Cliff Ponte 4788
Shawn Cadime 4648
Joseph Camara 4544
Andrew Raposo 4338
Paul Hart 4185
Michelle Dionne 4137
Laura Jean Washington 3502

Ricky Tith 2948
Gabriel Amaral 2745
Joshua Texeira 2668
Jordan James Silvia 2584
Alexander Silva 2562
Bob Pearson 2372
Gloria Saddler 2144
Paulo Amaral 2116
Joseph Salvador 1388

The school committee will see one new member with current committee member Paul Hart running for city council. Khoury previously served on the committee.

Kevin Aguiar 5485
Sara Rodrigues 5018
Michelle Larrivee 4810
Thomas Khoury 4683
Shelli-Ann Pereira 4667
Bobby Bailey 3585

Collin Dias 3442
Warren Alves 2778
Rene Brown 2702
Charles Chase 2602

As of October 2022, Fall River had just over 55,400 registered voters. 11,206 ballots were cast on Tuesday.

Here are interviews of the candidates after today’s results in addition to Mayor Coogan’s speech.

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