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Family seeks public’s help in finding Fall River teen missing for a week



“My nephew Eddy has been missing for the past week. Department of Child and Family has custody.

He’s 16 but doesn’t have the mentality of a 16-year-old. Very concerned considering he has no friends. He was last seen at school. He attends Durfee High school. He never got on the bus and never returned to his program. Possibly with his biological mother.

He’s from Fall River but resides in Swansea in a group home. According to DCF the proper authority has been notified. He also responds to ‘Junior’

DCF notified me last Tuesday that he never returned from school on Monday. I have reached out to them several times this past week in concern and his case worker has failed to return my calls.” -Tara Johnson.



  1. Ellen C.

    December 7, 2021 at 3:19 pm

    Call DCF’s ombudsman’s office at (617) 748-2444 if you haven’t already. Also, make sure you have called the child’s worker, the worker’s supervisor, and the area program manager for Fall River and expressed your concern. Unfortunately, many kids run (not that this is what your nephew did) and the programs themselves are limited as to what they can do. DCF informs police when someone’s missing but it’s anyone’s guess if they’ll be able to locate the child. Hopefully, they’ve gone by mom’s last address.

  2. Nieleaha

    January 11, 2022 at 1:15 pm

    Hi um I am a friend of Juniors and I had no idea he was missing we have health together my name is nieleaha I wish you the best of luck and finding him and I hope he returns to school safely.

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