A trampoline park is still headed to Fall River. Just not as quick as initially thought. According to the owners of Aero Trampoline Park, they will...
The Fall River Antique Auto Club is holding their annual event this weekend.
A Fall River teen has been reported missing by her mom.
FRCMedia is conducting a survey on Fall River cable services and are giving away gift cards in the process. Comcast’s cable TV license in Fall River...
Tiverton and Fall River Fire Departments had a messy situation on Wednesday. Wednesday morning, Tiverton and Fall River Fire responded to the area of State Avenue...
The Flint Neighborhood Association will have five movie nights at city parks during the summer according to president Carlos Cesar. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and...
Portsmouth Police are investigating a deadly morning crash. At approximately 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Portsmouth Police responded to the intersection of East Main Road at McCorrie...
BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker filed legislation to protect the Commonwealth’s children by strengthening penalties for child predators and making reforms to the civil commitment...
Troopers helped a mother in labor deliver a baby girl Tuesday night. At around 6:30 p.m., a Malden couple pulled into the Boston Barracks parking lot...
It was a special night for many local seniors Friday as schools such as Diman and Durfee celebrated their Senior Proms. A night that many of...