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After President Trump states “we want all voting to stop”, Baker, Polito issue statement



BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito released the following statement:

“The United States of America depends on every American having the freedom to cast their vote and for every vote to be counted. Every American, regardless of political affiliation, especially the President and every candidate on the ballot, should be united in supporting this process. Regardless of who wins this election, the challenges facing the Commonwealth and the nation remain: defeating the pandemic, rebuilding the economy, and supporting those who need help in these difficult days. When the results are finally determined, we are hopeful that all candidates, especially the two running for the most powerful office in the world, set aside partisanship to improve the lives of all Americans. While many anxiously await the results of this critically important election everyone must exercise their First Amendment right peacefully if they choose to do so, and we ask everyone to be respectful of one another.”

Early this morning in a speech, President Trump stated that he wanted all voting to stop and the he would be going to the Supreme Court to fight it. Trump also claimed victory as he was speaking in front of supporters.



  1. Mortis Maximus

    November 4, 2020 at 12:56 pm

    The Globalists must have some pretty serious dirt on this Idiot Baker. This guy is out of touch with reality. Baker who calls himself a Republican obviously for entertainment purposes, did nothing to support the leader of his party. We the people of Massachusetts will be the ones to suffer due to the lack of having a spine which Baker suffers from. I have zero faith in the current “leadership” that is currently governing in Mass, just look at the current shutdowns dictated by das furer!!

    • Jordan DoMonte

      November 4, 2020 at 7:15 pm

      Wow, imagine the President telling people to stop counting votes but then comparing Baker to Hitler. What is wrong with you? You’re complaining about rights because Baker wants you to wear a mask? You wear pants everyday, do you cause a fuss? You’re cool with the Dictator in Chief wanting to stop votes? What the absolute hell is wrong with you

      • Mortis Maximus

        November 4, 2020 at 10:34 pm

        Let’s count votes till next November you moron, then those who count will get the results they desire. What the hell does my comment about Baker have to do with Trump? I know it is difficult to broach more than one idea at a time but hey I have hope for you. Election integrity is obviously meaningless too you but that’s the price you pay for drinking fluoridated water like a clueless sheep. Dope!!!

        • Vida Maximus

          November 5, 2020 at 11:22 am

          Good job, tell him son! that dumb fluoride water! Tell them about untreated water, like Flint, MI! Water was meant to have organics and solids in it.. like in nature! He’ll see the truth when he falls off our flat earth! What a dummy! Also, both names Trump and Baker are actually in the title of this article if you scroll up, wasn’t sure if you saw that before commenting…

          • Mortis Maximus

            November 5, 2020 at 1:22 pm

            Great work! Life to the maximum might require you walk off the edge of your flat earth. Trying to interpret your no-sensical rantings should be left to your psychiatrist. I would just say lay-off the serotonin re-uptake inhibitors! GOOD LUCK

    • Manuel I. Dasneves

      November 4, 2020 at 9:19 pm

      You’re more like Rigor Mortis…

      • Mortis Maximus

        November 4, 2020 at 10:38 pm

        Wow; great insight you genius. Maybe you could expound a little, yeah NOT!!

  2. Thomas Robert

    November 4, 2020 at 4:52 pm

    I Agree with this… Its so Sad that they can give orders. But, Do not follow thru for themselves. We all agree Baker is a Rhino.

    • Liberty

      November 4, 2020 at 10:53 pm

      Baker has no allegiances to any Political Parties because Massachusetts is a massive tax cow of a state. A 40 billion dollar plus budget doesn’t require cooperation with the federal level of a party because us taxpayers carry the tax burden that funds the state budget. No need to go to the Feds to pay for all the services Baker gives away. Would be nice to have a cooperative relationship with federal pols so we could see some of our federal income taxes come back to the state. Baker is an arrogant jerk who holds his nose up with total pomposity as he fleeces us working people. Leave the Republican party Baker, you giant fraud!

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