With recent bear sightings in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, officials issue warning

It’s springtime and there have been numerous black bear sightings in Rhode Island and Massachusetts including one Sunday evening on Sand Turn Road in South Kingstown.
Officials recommend that if you see a black bear, do not attempt to get closer to it or interact with it. Most black bears are wary of humans, but if you find yourself outside when one approaches, clap your hands and talk loudly while slowly moving away.
To discourage the bear from making a habitat of your backyard, put away pet food and bird feeders and ensure trash cans are secure.
If you do spot a bear in Massachusetts, you can contact the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (508-389-6300 open M-F 8 am to 4 pm). You can also contact the Mass Environmental Police (24 hours 800-632-8075). In the case of an emergency, always dial 911.
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