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With Fall River seeing over 100 virus cases a day, Mayor Coogan cancels post inaugural dinner



(FALL RIVER, MA- December 23rd, 2021)- It is with regret that Mayor Paul Coogan has decided to cancel the post inaugural dinner, originally scheduled to take place at the 3rd Floor
Cafeteria of BMC Durfee High School following the inauguration ceremony on Monday, January 3rd.

After consulting with the Director of Health and Human Services, Tess Curran, a decision was made that having a sizable crowd of unmasked individuals at a dinner would not be
in the best interest of public health. This decision comes at a time when Fall River is averaging over 100 new COVID-19 cases per day. The timing of the inauguration also coincides with an expected rise in cases due to holiday gatherings.

At this time, no cancellations or changes have been made to the inauguration ceremony, as guests will be able to remain masked for the duration of the ceremony. However, COVID-19 data is being closely monitored. Mayor Coogan, in consultation with Tess Curran and the Board of Health, expect to make a decision by December 29th as to whether any changes will be made to the schedule, location or attendance of the inauguration ceremony.



  1. david

    December 24, 2021 at 12:37 am

    Such nonsense; have your silly dinner; it won’t kill you.
    Coogan is further demonstrating how weak and ineffective he is.

  2. MitzySkritzy

    December 24, 2021 at 9:27 am

    I wanted a free meal from the Coogan Christmas Spectacular.

  3. MitzySkritzy

    December 24, 2021 at 9:33 am

    Decisions in FALL River are always made by unqualified people!

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