Two Bristol County officers recognized for life saving and investigative efforts

RAYNHAM — Chief David LaPlante is pleased to announce that two officers from the Raynham Police Department recently received commendations for their superior months-long investigative and lifesaving efforts.
Officers Patrick Leahy and Officer Joshua O’Brien were awarded the commendations at roll call this month after recommendations from their supervisors and a civilian victim. The commendations were reviewed and approved by the Raynham Police Awards and Recognition Committee as part of the department’s Awards and Recognition Program and were reviewed by Chief LaPlante.
Officer Patrick Leahy received the Superior Investigative Award for his investigation into a scam where the victim had $8,600 stolen from them in December 2023. After a several months-long investigation and extensive search for a suspect, Officer Leahy was able to identify an Uber driver who was allegedly involved in the scam. The identification of the Uber driver, working with detectives from other police departments and obtaining a search warrant for electronic data, led to the subsequent identification of the suspect and charges being filed last month.
“Due to Officer Leahy’s superior investigatory skills, personal determination and hard work, he was able to get all of the stolen monies back and returned to the victim,” Chief LaPlante said. “Officer Leahy went above and beyond what was expected of a patrol officer to do leading to a positive result and justice for the victim.”
Additionally, Officer Joshua O’Brien received the Life Saving Award commendation for his quick response on March 10 to a scene where a runner had collapsed and was not breathing. Officer O’Brien took over CPR from a bystander while paramedics began deploying advanced lifesaving medical care. Officer O’Brien’s high-quality CPR and work with paramedics until the runner was transported to the hospital for further treatment ultimately saved the man’s life.
“Officer O’Brien’s quick response, immediate actions and effective CPR resulted directly in saving the life of this gentleman,” Chief LaPlante said. “Had he not responded in this manner this could have led to a tragic outcome.”
Chief LaPlante said, “I want to say how proud I am of Officers Leahy and O’Brien for their extraordinary efforts and professionalism. The training that our officers undergo is second to none and it’s great to be able to recognize them for a job well done.”
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