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Three individuals force their way into two apartments in afternoon armed robberies in Fall River



Fall River Police are investigating after several people barged into two apartments Saturday afternoon.

According to Det. Sergeant Moses Pereira, just after 2:45 p.m., officers responded to Father Diaferio Village regarding an armed robbery.

Three unknown individuals, one of which was armed, forced their way into two apartments at this location, before leaving the area in an unknown direction.

No injuries were reported.

A person who came forward to Fall River Reporter saying they were one of the victims, stated that her, her mother, and a friend were held at gun point and were told to get down. These details were not confirmed by police.

Detectives assigned to the Major Crimes Division are actively investigating this incident. Anyone with information is asked contact 508-324-2796. Anonymous tips can be provided by dialing 508-672-TIPS (8477).



  1. Fed Up

    October 29, 2023 at 8:19 am

    This city is getting worse by the day. Meanwhile this state’s very own hypocritical politicians are formulating a plan to strip law abiding citizens of the right to carry firearms for self protection. Here’s the kicker they are protected by state police with the very guns they’re actively seeking to disarm you from. They’re protecting themselves and their families while people are kicking doors down and holding people at gun point. It’s disgusting.

  2. MortisMaximus

    October 29, 2023 at 4:09 pm

    The slaves must sacrifice in order that the New World Order will bring you safety and security. This will be done by our deaths. You sir are just another useless eater, which is why they called you unessential during the Covid19 plandemic. Do you get it now???

  3. Kev

    November 2, 2023 at 11:52 am

    Exactly what “they” want! U guys can’t even agree on what’s wrong w this country already!! How would We know if this dude wasn’t “essential” during the pandemic? I was essential so why is dude not? We are Not close to being united & that’s what they want! Anger & division. Guess what? It’s been working for a few yrs now! Let’s try & stick together to bring ourselves together 💯

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