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Teen accused of attempted murder in Cape Cod incident where n word was used, victim called “George Floyd”



Cape & Islands District Attorney Robert Galibois today announced that a Grand Jury has indicted a juvenile male, for his role relating to a July 19, 2023, incident in the town of Chatham.

A 14-year-old white juvenile male known to the court was indicted on Attempted Murder and Assault with a Dangerous Weapon charge.

There was an incident that occurred on July 19, 2023, at Goose Pond in Chatham.

The indicted juvenile defendant known to the court, the victim who is a black juvenile male, and a third white juvenile male, met at Goose Pond. Upon arrival and after initial contact, the indicated juvenile picked up a stone, threatened the victim with it and made the racially charged statement, “N*****” to the victim. Prior to entering the water, the victim put on his life jacket and informed the other juveniles that he could not swim. The Juvenile defendant, other juvenile, and victim entered the water together. Once in the water, the juvenile defendant proceeded to pull on the victim’s life jacket and submerged him underwater 4 to 5 times, causing the victim breathing distress. The third juvenile laughed at the victim during the attempted drowning and referred to the victim as “George Floyd”. The attack continued as the juvenile defendant swam underneath the victim and attempted to grab his feet to again pull the victim under water. The incident concluded when the victim started yelling for someone on the beach to help. A bystander entered the water and intervened assisting the victim to the shore.

The charges stem from an investigation by several members of the of the Chatham Police Department including Chief Michael Anderson, Deputy Chief Lou Malzone, Officer Geoff Phillips, and Officer Charles Chaprales.

After a Dangerousness Hearing in the Barnstable Juvenile Court on Thursday, the juvenile defendant was found dangerous by Judge Silvia Gomes. The juvenile defendant is held without bail, and is due back in court on September 13, 2023, for a pretrial conference in the Barnstable Juvenile Court.

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