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Stop & Shop now offering flu shots to children three years and older in Massachusetts



QUINCY, Mass., – Stop & Shop, has announced that flu shots are now available to Massachusetts children three years and older. With the State requiring all students to be immunized before the end of 2020, Stop & Shop has worked to expand its flu shot offering to patients three years and older, which are now available without a prescription or appointment.

During immunization, patients will be required to wear PPE and pharmacists will be equipped with masks, gloves, and face shields, while the immunization area will be disinfected and sanitized between each patient. The pharmacy team utilizes the same thorough disinfection protocols for all patients, to ensure the health & safety for patients of all ages. Customers can now virtually consent to immunizations by visiting or scanning the contact-free Pharmacy Consent QR code in-store.

“Stop & Shop is always looking for ways to make things easier for our customers, and our trained & trusted pharmacists are here to help parents make sure their kids are protected against the flu this season,” shares Brittany Orlando, Clinical Lead for Stop & Shop Pharmacy. “Stop & Shop has conveniently stocked up on additional vaccines in advance due to COVID-19 and flu season coinciding. We’re excited that our local Stop & Shop pharmacists can now help to keep more families healthy this flu season as we expand our ability to offer flu shots to children three years and older.”

This year, Stop & Shop is offering a variety of standard dose flu vaccines, all of which protect against four strains of flu virus and are indicated for patients of all ages permitted in the state in which they live. Those who are 65 years or older will also have the opportunity to choose from two specialized senior vaccines – Fluzone HD and Fluad – which have been proven to be more effective than the standard dose among seniors, according to Stop & Shop. In addition, Stop & Shop pharmacies carry several preservative-free, latex-free, cell-based vaccines.

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