Stop at Massachusetts donut shop results in $1 million State Lottery win; he knows just how he’ll spend it

A stop at a Massachusetts donut shop turned into a big State Lottery win.
According to the Massachusetts State Lottery, Boaventura Da Silva Jr. of Pawtucket, RI has won a $1 million prize in the Massachusetts State Lottery’s “777” instant ticket game.
Da Silva said that he really likes the “777” ticket and bought two of them for himself on his birthday, one of which was the big winner. He chose to receive his prize in the form of a one-time payment of $650,000 (before taxes). He said he plans to use his winnings to pay off the mortgage on his house.
He purchased his winning ticket at Vista Donuts, 1096 Washington St. in Attleborough. He said that he plays the Mass Lottery because, “Mass has a better chance of winning.” The store receives a $10,000 bonus for its sale.
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