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St Anne’s Church could be re-opened by June, taking pledges



St Anne’s Church may be opening again after all.

According to Richie Affonso of the St Anne’s Preservation Society, the prospects of the church re-opening are looking brighter.

“We are in negotiations with the Diocese of Fall River. Their lawyer is in contact with our lawyer to draw up a contract. Something in the lines of a 10 to 15 year lease. Nothing is final, but things are looking promising. They have agreed to give us a chance. They are also taking a chance on us. We are Incorporated as St.Anne’s Shrine Preservation Society. We are pursuing a tax exempt status.”

The group is also taking pledges in the event that the Church will be restored and re-opened.

“We have been meeting regularly and are officially taking pledges until our tax exempt status officially goes through. We have a board of 8 people at this time, but are in the process of making sub committees.”

The Shrine could be open as early as June.

“Hopefully we can open the Shrine either in June or July the latest. We also are definitely keeping the food pantry open and would love to open a small gift shop to sell candles, bibles, rosary beads, etc. We need to make this a destination that people all across North America and the world would come to worship. Start a program for young teens that need a place to go and talk and get off the streets. A place where they can feel safe to come to.”

If you are interested in giving a pledge to restore and re-open St Anne’s Shrine, e-mail the Preservation Society at

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Mary Hickey

    February 26, 2019 at 6:33 pm

    This is wonderful news, St.Annes is an iconic building, it would be utter sacrilage to have it Closed or worse.
    I am following your story from Co.Cork in Ireland, as 8 of my greatgran generation emmigrated to Fall River during and just after the famine.
    I visited Fall River in 2016 and hope to return later this year.
    Wishing you all well.
    Mary Hickey

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