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Sports pub receives suspension from Fall River Licensing Board due to multiple issues cited by police



A Fall River sports pub received a suspension from the Licensing Board on Wednesday.

According to a report handed to the Board, at least 10 calls of service have taken place at Mickey Doyle’s at 380 Rhode Island Avenue in the past 60 days, with at least 21 calls since the beginning of the year. Calls ranged from a stabbing to assault and battery, to unruly patrons, and overdoses.

Multiple Fall River police officers gave testimony at the meeting stating that there are several issues with the establishment including attempting to cover for a male suspect in the assault and battery of a female that had her jaw broken in three places. Officers also stated that personnel have not fully co-operated with police and that the parking lot area is out of control with highly overserved patrons. Other concerns expressed by PD were hand to hand drug activity which in some instances involved a bouncer at the establishment, gang members present at the pub, and patrons coming out of the business after hours.

Owner Brian Andree disputed that he has not co-operated with FRPD. He stated that the establishment’s camera system no longer works, and it has not been fixed with the business struggling but he is in the process of buying a new system. Andree admitted that the open parking lot is both a blessing and a curse and that police details are needed. He went on to say that he did not know the incidents taking place involving the bouncer and once it was brought to his attention, he was fired.

Andree stated one of the biggest issues is other city bars close at 9-10:00 p.m. which leaves many residents to filter to Mickey Doyle’s. He stated he does not condone violence and has never been involved with drugs.

The Board expressed that Andree could have been more proactive to make changes such as closing the business earlier in the night.

The Board unanimously approved that the location would surrender its license and be suspended from August 3rd through August 31st. Andree must have a written plan in place to combat the current issues by August 17th or face more severe discipline.

The issue will be taken up again with the Board on August 24th.

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