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Spooky happenings for kids and adults this week at Fall River Public Library



A spooky old graveyard may be a nice place to visit, but would you want to live there … forever and ever? The Gravestone Girls love prowling around historic cemeteries, and they will share the fascinating history of cemetery art and traditions, from Colonial times to the present, at Fall River Public Library, 104 North Main Street, on Wednesday, October 9 at 6:30 p.m.

The Gravestone Girls will take you on a virtual tour of cemeteries, from colonial burial grounds, through the rural cemetery movement of the 19th century, and into 21st century locations. It examines why we have cemeteries and gravestones, why they look like they do, and how styles and art have evolved over almost 400 years. This presentation will include images and history of Fall River’s historic cemeteries, including the famous Oak Grove Cemetery, final home of Lizzie Borden.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Fall River Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. It is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. Recommended for adults and older teens.

For further information, contact Kate Kulpa, Assistant Library Administrator, at 508-324-2700, ext. 110.

What has four legs, beady eyes, and fangs, and glows in the dark? Why, a Creepy Candle, of course! Kids can make their own Creepy Candle for Halloween at the Fall River Public Library, 104 North Main Street, on Saturday, Oct 12 at 11 a.m.

The candles are safe and easy to make using pipe cleaners, colored foam, and battery-operated tea lights to provide an eerie glow. They make a great Halloween decoration or party favor! This fun craft is recommended for children ages 5 and up. Kids will also be invited to make a Ghostly Bookmark as an added bonus craft!

For more information on this program, contact David Mello at 508-324-2700 ext. 4.

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