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Southcoast Health issues updated visitation policy for all locations beginning this week



Photo courtesy of Southcoast Health

As of 2/7/22 For the protection and wellbeing of Southcoast Health’s patients, employees, and providers, here is the updated visitor policy from Southcoast Health.

EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT: Visitors allowed at discretion of the care team. Exceptions will be made for guardians, essential companions and other circumstances.

HOSPITAL VISITING HOURS: 11am-2pm and 5pm – 8pm

• ONE visitor allowed at a time*
• Maximum of three visitors per patient each day* All visitors must be able to do one of the following:
• Show proof of COVID-19 vaccine or
• Provide a negative COVID-19 PCR test, provided by a laboratory taken no more than 24 hours prior to visit

If visitor is between the ages of 5-17, two visitors are allowed to ensure that the minor is accompanied by an adult (proof of vaccine or negative COVID-19 laboratory test required for both visitors)

MATERNITY VISITING HOURS: 11am-2pm and 5pm – 8pm
• On FCU, 1-2 Birth Partners (if fully vaccinated) can be on site for birth of baby, and visit after the birth with negative screening for symptoms and a negative COVID test.
• On FCU, 1-2 Birth Partners (if unvaccinated) have to quarantine for 5 days beyond mother’s isolation period. 1-2 Birth Partners may attend birth if negative test result, but would need to leave 1 hour after the birth due to not being vaccinated.

• Visitation will not be allowed for patients with COVID-19 unless “visitor” is there as a birth partner, or present for patients at end of life care or on comfort measures only
• Parents of infant and pediatric patients
• Designated support person for patients with disabilities
• Allowed by clinical teams for unique circumstances

All Approved Visitors
• Must remain in patient room unless entering/exiting the building or using a rest room
• Are required to remain masked for the duration of the visit

Surgical Patients and Same Day Surgery Center
ONE visitor will be allowed to visit and/or accompany a patient

Physician Offices, Imaging, Radiology, Laboratory Patient Service Center
ONE visitor will be allowed to visit and/or accompany a patient

NO visitors experiencing cough, shortness of breath, temperature over 100 degrees or other symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be allowed

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