Somerset State Representative Haddad will have a challenger this fall. Who else is running?

Tuesday April 30th was the deadline for state representative candidates to submit their papers in hopes of appearing on the ballot in the fall. Let’s take a look at your local state reps to see who is seeking another term, who isn’t and who else is looking to get in the race.
Somerset race shapes up
In Somerset, Democratic incumbent Patricia Haddad returned papers to seek another term as the representative for the 5th Bristol District but Republican challenger Justin Thurber, also of Somerset, submitted his papers as well. Thurber rattled Haddad in 2022 after jumping in the race via a write in campaign, eventually securing almost 46% of the general election vote with Haddad beating him by less than 1500 votes.

This time around, Thurber organized his committee early and has been spent the past two years campaigning in the offseason. Speaking with Fall River Reporter, Thurber had this to say about challenging Haddad:
“Since the last election, I have been very active working with and listening to voters. It is evident that our current elected officials are out of touch with constituents. I can’t wait to represent everyone in my district.”

Melissa Terra, also a Republican, returned her papers and if she stays in the race, will force a primary against Thurber for the Republican spot on the November ballot.
Terra, who served on the Somerset K – 8 school committee, last ran for an open seat on the Somerset Board of Selectmen in a special election in 2021. That seat was made available after Holly McNamara resigned just days after Allen Smith was elected to the board. Terra lost that race to community activist Kathy Souza. Terra also ran for a seat on the Republican State Committee in 2020 with fellow Republican David Steinhof. Terra lost that race to local attorney Nancy Stanton-Cross.

During that campaign, Terra and Steinhof were endorsed by former U.S. Senate and candidate Geoff Diehl but it’s Thurber who seems to have Diehl’s endorsement this time around, attending Thurber’s campaign kick-off event earlier this month.

Terra says her decision to run for state representative started with Thurber running again.
“I decided to run after confirmation Thurber is absolutely the worse one for the job. He already failed. The majority of his closest supporters are only promoting him to block me and keep Haddad in. “
On Haddad, Terra says the longtime incumbent “needs to retire.” Terra claims she has over 20 years experience in “representing the people” and based on what is going on in our country right now, she needs to “take her experience to the state rep level.”
Other local state rep races
In Fall River, Democratic incumbent of the 6th Bristol Carole Fiola submitted her papers with Independent challenger Patrick Higgins, who showed an interest in running, not returning the required number of signatures in time. Fiola will not have a challenger for her seat this November.
Also in Fall River, incumbent Alan Silvia turned in his signatures and like Fiola, can take the campaign season off as he will not have a challenger in the fall for his seat on the 7th Bristol District.
And Paul Schmid III from Westport is letting his seat go up for grabs as the Democratic incumbent announced he will not be running for re-election. The vacancy has stirred up a bunch of contenders who have submitted their papers to run for the seat:
Republican Gabriel “Boomer” Amaral of Fall River
Democrat Steven J. Ouellette of Westport
Independents Laura Hadley, and Manuel Soares Jr of Westport
Independent Jesse W. St. Gelais of Achushnet.
Ballots aren’t final yet as signatures need to be certified before a final list of candidates are determined. Should same-party candidates need to square off, that primary will be held on September 3rd and the general election, which shares the same day as the Presidential election, will be held on November 5th.
A request for comment to Haddad received no response.
Gary Dunn
May 3, 2024 at 11:22 pm
Please whoever is reading this everybody vote Republican we need these dinosaurs out of here Blue State we need new blood we need Republican party