Shotgun hunting season has started in Massachusetts, here is what hunters, bystanders, and pet owners need to know

Shotgun Deer Hunting season is open starting today – November 27th 2023. Here is what you need to know courtesy of Westport Animal Control.
Please read the following information:
✅ Hunting hours begin ½ hour before sunrise and end ½ hour after sunset.
🍊 Blaze orange on the chest, back, and head must be worn by all hunters during shotgun and primitive firearms season. This includes those using archery.
🔶 Be safe and be seen! If you are enjoying the outdoors, be mindful of where hunting is permitted and wear your blaze orange. Pets should also have orange on. Keep dogs on a leash and stay on the trail! This includes the State Forest.
✅ Be respectful and courteous (as always). Hunter harassment is unlawful and avoidable.
✅ Shotgun season runs November 27th to December 9th all days inclusive, except Sundays. Primitive Firearms season starts December 11th and runs until December 30th.
✅ Hunting is allowed on town owned land, the Freetown/Fall River State Forest and private property of which the hunter has permission from the owner.
If you have questions or to report suspected hunting violations, contact Fish and Wildlife or Environmental Police.
November 27, 2023 at 12:22 pm
Please change the picture you posted of a red deer to a white tail deer which is our indigenous species. Red deer are farm raised and look completely different from white tail. Reach of to Mass Wildlife for an appropriate picture.