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Several in Rhode Island, including juveniles, facing gun charges after investigation into crew allegedly involved in numerous crimes



Jayden Williams

On Tuesday, members of the Woonsocket Police Department’s Patrol Division, Detective Division, Juvenile Division and SRT executed search warrants in relation to multiple firearm charges.

The following were arrested:

16-year-old male – Possession of Firearm by Minor, Possession of Ammunition by Minor, Large Capacity Feeding Device Prohibited, Carrying Pistol/Revolver w/o License or Permit, Conspiracy to Carrying Pistol/Revolver w/o License or Permit & Disorderly Conduct

16-year-old male – Felony Assault & Battery, Possession of Firearm by Minor, Firing in a Compact Area, Disorderly Conduct

16-year-old male – Possession of Firearm by Minor, Possession of Ammunition by Minor, Large Capacity Feeding Device Prohibited, Carrying Pistol/Revolver w/o License or Permit, Conspiracy to Carrying Pistol/Revolver w/o License or Permit & Disorderly Conduct

17-year-old male Possession of Firearm by Minor, Possession of Ammunition by Minor, Large Capacity Feeding Device Prohibited. Carrying Pistol/Revolver w/o License or Permit, Possession Firearm When Committing Crime of Violence

16-year-old male – Possession of Firearm by Minor, Possession of Ammunition by Minor, Disorderly Conduct

17-year-old male – Disorderly Conduct

The following adults were charged:

Jayden Williams – Carrying Pistol/Revolver w/o License or Permit & Disorderly Conduct

Mulumba Mukuna – Obstructing a Police Officer

A loaded 9mm Taurus pistol with an extended magazine was in a wall and located by a WPD K9 team.

According to police, these arrests are the starting point of an extensive investigation into a crew of adults and juveniles involved in numerous criminal activities.

This investigation is on-going and more juvenile and adult arrests are anticipated.



  1. MortisMaximus

    November 23, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    These thug criminals should face execution. So much for the Gun Laws!

  2. Come on Man

    November 24, 2023 at 10:23 am

    All good old fashion Irish names.

  3. Joanne Newton

    November 24, 2023 at 9:31 pm

    They all need to be locked up for as long as the courts can give them .No probation, no suspended sentence, no early release for good behavior. And where are the parents of these teens?

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