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Seekonk Police arrest man wanted for exposing himself to teen girls



Seekonk Police arrested a man who allegedly exposed himself and they believe it may not have been an isolated incident.

On Tuesday, March 20th at about 9:41 p.m., three teenage girls reported suspicious behavior in the Target parking lot to the Seekonk Police Department.

The teens stated that while at the Target at about 8:00 p.m., they noticed a man who appeared to be watching them. This behavior troubled the teens and caused them to go to a register to check out. The man reportedly continued to watch them.

Once the teens got into their vehicle, they saw the man exposing himself. This caused them to scream that they were going to call the police. In turn the man then ran away.

With help from East Providence Police, the suspect, Eduardo Ramos Villagran, 39, of Central Falls RI, was spotted fitting the description on June 4th. He was brought in for questioning and admitted images obtained were of him. He also possessed a Target receipt from March 20th

Villagran is charged with three counts of Open and Gross Lewdness (Felony).

Seekonk Police are looking for any information pertaining to other possible incidents involving Villagran. You can contact them at 508-336-8123.

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