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Rhode Island doctor reprimanded after buttock slaps and fist bumps towards inmates, inappropriate comment



A local doctor has been reprimanded after reported conduct involving inmates.

According to the Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline, Morris Paul Elevado, MD, who was issued a medical license by the State of Rhode Island on April 9, 2003 has been penalized after providing medical services to inmates at the Maximum-Security facility of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections located in Cranston, Rhode Island.

On or about June 23, 2022, DOC Inspector Charles Devine filed a Complaint against Elevado alleging misconduct against five inmates of the Maximum Security facility. The incidents allegedly occurred on Monday, April 25, 2022. The inmates alleged that
Elevado had, at the conclusion of each of the inmate’s medical examinations, “fist bumped” the inmates and then slapped each of them on their buttocks on the way out of the examination room. There was also an allegation of an inappropriate comment during the medical examination of one of the inmates.

Each of the alleged incidents were recorded on a CCTV camera, located in the medical examination room, commencing at 9:00 a.m. on April 25, 2022.

On June 29, 2022, the Board provided Elevado with a copy of the Complaint and further provided him with an opportunity to fully respond to the allegations in question, along with any supporting documentation.

Elevado provided a written rebuttal to the allegations in the Complaint. Elevado specifically admitted to the “fist bumping” and “slapping” several inmates on the buttocks as they walked out of the examination room. While Elevado did acknowledge making a comment to one of the patients about a digital rectal exam, he claimed it was not intended to be offensive, and was intended to make the patient laugh.

The Investigative Committee proceeded to make a probable cause finding of unprofessional conduct on the part of Elevado, in violation of R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-37-5.1(19), due to the Committee’s probable cause determination that Elevado’s comment to one patient was inappropriate. While the video does demonstrate brief touching of patients, the Committee determined the specific touching at issue was not related to clinical care, and was not clinically appropriate.

The Parties agreed that Elevado would remain under the jurisdiction of the Board.

Elevado was issued a reprimand by the Board and shall, at his own expense, complete and successfully pass the Center for Personalized Education for Physician (CPEP), Ethics & Boundary Program as well as the payment of administrative fees in the amount of $1,137.50. The administrative fees must be paid, and the aforementioned program must be completed and successfully passed within nine months or more punishment can be levied.

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