
Portion of 100,000 Ukraine refugees fleeing homeland likely headed to Massachusetts



Refugees from the war in Ukraine are likely headed to Massachusetts.

On Thursday, the United States announced more than $1 billion in new funding towards humanitarian assistance for those affected by Russia’s war in Ukraine including food, shelter, clean water, medical supplies and other forms of assistance.

Thursday the United States also announced plans to welcome up to 100,000 Ukrainians and others fleeing Russia’s attack in Ukraine.

Governor Baker on multiple occasions has expressed his support for the Ukrainian people and his disagreement with Russia’s actions.

Earlier this month, Governor Charlie Baker signed Executive Order 597, which directed all executive branch agencies to review and terminate any contracts with any Russian state-owned company.

“With this order, we hope to build on the sanctions the federal government has already placed on Russia for their unjustified attack on Ukraine,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts condemns the actions of Russia and stands firmly with the free and democratic nation of Ukraine.”

“The Commonwealth will continue to offer its support Ukraine and stand with them in the face of Russian aggression,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “My thoughts are with all the Ukrainian people during this horrific time.”

Baker has also previously stated that Massachusetts would help any refugees that made it to the Bay State.

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