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Police departments continue to warn public on gun shaped phone cases



Photo courtesy of Clinton Police Department

Police departments from around the country are once again warning the public about purchasing gun shaped phone cases.

The cases have been on the market for a few years now and come in several colors including white, pink, and black.

The danger has resurfaced as of late due to social media posts and arrests.

Police departments from across the country are warning of the repercussions of carrying these cases.

Several departments from California to Texas have issued warnings to the public as recently as last month. The Clinton Police Department in Maine issued this warning back in 2015.

“This is called the “Die Phone”. It has been passed around the internet a lot lately, however, a citizen of the town just brought this in to show us, and will be bringing it to all local Police Departments to show them as well.”

“Basically, it is a gun shaped cell phone case. Please do not purchase these cases. Our jobs are hard enough as it is, this would only make decision making even harder, not to mention put the owner’s life on the line if they had an interaction with a Police Officer.”

“Be smart people.”

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