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Plymouth County woman sentenced to prison for leaving the scene of pedestrian crash that killed Andrea Gordon



Andrea Gordon

PLYMOUTH – A Duxbury woman has been convicted of charges that she left the scene of a crash where a woman was killed, Plymouth District Attorney Timothy Cruz announced.

On Wednesday, a Plymouth County jury deliberated over three days before finding Kristina Blackmore, 43, of Duxbury, guilty of one count each of Leaving the Scene of Injury Causing Death and Motor Vehicle Homicide by Negligent Operation.

On Thursday, Blackmore was sentenced in Plymouth Superior Court to not less than 6 to not more than 8 years to Souza Baranowski Correctional Center.

On June 9, 2019, at just after 6:30 p.m., the Duxbury Police Department received multiple 911 calls for a pedestrian struck in the area of 641 Washington Street in Duxbury. Police, fire and emergency personnel responded and located a female victim unresponsive on the ground. Medical personnel performed life-saving measures, and the victim was transported to South Shore Hospital for treatment before succumbing to her injuries two days later. She was identified as 46 year-old Andrea Gordon of Duxbury.

After an investigation that involved testimony from witnesses and evidence collected at the scene, police found that the vehicle that struck Gordon was a Dodge Ram pickup truck. Investigators located the Dodge Ram pickup with damage at a home in Duxbury and Massachusetts State Police sought and obtained an arrest warrant for Blackmore.

Gordon was an avid runner and was doing what she loved at the time she was tragically hit.

Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Sprague prosecuted the case, which was investigated by Massachusetts State Police Detectives assigned to the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office, Duxbury Police, and Massachusetts State Police Collision, Analysis and Reconstruction Section.



  1. Donald Tavares

    August 15, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    She should have Not 🚫 left. She would have probably got 2/half years & been out in 18 months. So I think 💭🤔 6-8 should hold her.

  2. Jimmy Bent

    August 16, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    She panicked and ran !! Bad move !! Put her away !! She killed this poor woman and didn’t care to help her.

  3. Tom Brown

    August 16, 2024 at 9:27 pm

    She does deserve punishment, however persons that use guns and intentionally murder or even rapists don’t get that kind of time in prison. I think on appeal a reduction in sentence will happen.

  4. Edwin Stinksgood

    August 17, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    She panicked and should go to jail for 6-8 when they’re are habitual drug users dealers murderers and rapist’s that get less time even when they run they tried to set a precedence with this case which was uncalled for she should have gotten 90 days mandatory with 2 years suspended sentence

    • Erin Stephens

      August 17, 2024 at 10:21 pm

      @Edwin she KILLED someone!! Yes, she probably panicked but 90 DAYS?? I completely disagree! People have received 90 days for shoplifting. However you think she should get 90 days for TAKING A HUMAN LIFE??? If a family member of yours was run down & killed by a driver would you still think 90 days would be acceptable? I highly doubt it! I’m sorry but a human life is worth much more than 90 days to me,. Even if the driver panicked she STILL could have gone to the cops after the fact & ownerd up to it! But Noooo, she kept hiding , made them do an investigation until they FOUND OUT that SHE was the driver who killed this poor woman & left the scene! She’s a heartless coward!!!
      One more thing, your comment about “habitat drug users” going to jail is, in my opinion, IGNORANT & HEARTLESS TOO! Habitual drug users need TREATMENT, NOT JAIL,!!! Jails should be for killers, cold molesters, rapists…..people who commit crimes against OTHER PEOPLE!!! Drug users are hurting themselves, so jail does not help them.Hopefully treatment will. Thux woman’s crime hurt, actually killed an innocent person. Whether unintentional or if she was scared,she needs to do some jail time.

    • Jhon

      August 20, 2024 at 2:40 am

      Are you serious 90??? Days hopefully one 🙏 day someone or love’s ones of yours
      Experience that by getting killed by someone like this incident and I hope
      90 day That you wish to comes true
      Then keep us posted how you going to feel.

  5. Concerned Citizen

    August 19, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    Sadly, the true killers of John O’Keefe will go free as they try again to pin it on Karen Reed

    • Anyomous

      August 20, 2024 at 8:25 am

      Karen Read is John’s killer

  6. Katie Stevenson

    August 20, 2024 at 7:05 pm

    @ERIN, I agree with you 100% 90 days is BS. A women is dead’s here. I’m sure she has a family all living with the pain and grief,something they will live with for the rest of their lives. This guilty woman will be 50-52 yrs old when she gets out of jail (big whoop) .She’ll have the rest of her life to enjoy. Andera Gordan will forever be 46. Very sad her life is over.
    And yes drug addicted people should not be put in jail (if there was no crime committed) They need professional help. There are just as much drugs circulating all around the jails anyone can get their hands on. The system is definitely broken.

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