Bags of Hope is an annual orphan care project where Duffle bags are presented to children in Foster Care, embroidered with their name and filled with...
Freetown Police arrest woman involved in alleged multi-state heroin trafficking ring
Fall River Public Library and the historic Lafayette-Durfee House invite children and families to their annual children’s holiday program on Saturday, December 9 at 11 a.m....
Fall River man arrested for stealing thousands in equipment from Home Depot
On Monday, November 27th, at approximately 7:00 p.m., Fall River Police Department Vice and Intelligence detectives executed a search warrant
What was talked about in May has been finalized. With it should bring even bigger musical acts to Fall River.
On Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 at approximately 2:30 pm Fall River Police Department Vice and Intelligence detectives executed a no-knock search warrant
The risk is so severe, that it could be deadly for your dog.
Newport Police looking for Cliff Walk vandals
The Massachusetts State Police announced Tuesday that a routine motor vehicle stop by an alert Massachusetts State Trooper last week in Chelsea resulted in the seizure...