Unemployment fraud continues to spike during the pandemic. According to Somerset Police, this past week, ten Somerset residents reported unemployment claims being filed fraudulently using their...
“This is my niece Yamia Berube and she is STILL MISSING! She was last seen in Fall River, MA. PLEASE SHARE!!! PLEASE PRAY!!!!! Contact the Fall...
MILFORD — As part of an effort to protect the health and safety of inmates, patients, and staff, the Massachusetts Department of Correction is taking steps...
UPDATE: Johnston Police issued the following statement. “Mr. Dilullo has been found and is well! We appreciate the community’s assistance, thank you.” Previous story: Police are...
Massachusetts saw another increase in hospitalizations in Sunday’s COVID-19 report. Massachusetts has seen 2,076 more positive cases announced today. A decrease from Saturday’s report. The 7...
Michael P. Norton Gov. Charlie Baker has been talking publicly about COVID-19 since March, often searching for new ways to express his message. On Friday morning,...
Multiple vehicles were hit by a wrong-way driver that left multiple injures. According to Dave Procopio of the Massachusetts State Police, just after 5:00 a.m. today,...
As America has struggled through the COVID-19 pandemic, the country is closer to having an authorized vaccine to treat the coronavirus. One company with several locations...
Sayers Mathews is a 95-year-old World War II Veteran. Sayers has been quarantined since March. One thing he really enjoys is receiving mail so I am...
COHASSET — Chief William Quigley reports that the Cohasset Police Department responded to a large gathering at a private residence last night, at which a number...