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New Jersey man sentenced to prison in child pornography case involving Swansea minor



Swansea, MA/West Deptford, NJ — Chief Marc Haslam and the Swansea Police Department report that a New Jersey man has been sentenced in a child pornography case involving a minor in town.

In October 2020, Swansea Police received a complaint from a resident that a man was attempting to coerce and solicit illicit photographs from a minor on social media. The Swansea Police Abuse Unit immediately opened an investigation.

The Unit executed several search warrants on the social media platform and obtained digital evidence of the suspect, later determined to be 25-year-old Nicholas Coffin of West Deptford, New Jersey.

In January 2021, the Swansea Police Abuse Unit, West Deptford Police Department and Gloucester County, New Jersey, Prosecutor’s Entry Team executed a search warrant for Coffin’s home in New Jersey.

Coffin was convicted in Gloucester County, New Jersey, Superior Court of Endangering-Photograph/Film of Child in a Sex Act.

He was sentenced on August 26 to 10 years in New Jersey State Prison. Coffin must serve five years before being eligible for parole. He also is under a no-contact order, subject parole supervision for life, Megan’s Law restriction, must pay restitution to victims, and is subject to fines.

“Child pornography and exploitation are heinous crimes. Det. Jonathan Boyd and the Abuse Unit deserve praise for their tireless efforts,” Chief Haslam said. “I also wish to thank the West Deptford Police Department and Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office, who greatly assisted in bringing this case to a conclusion.”

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. One Solution Co

    July 14, 2023 at 9:32 am

    This was informative and interesting, thank you for sharing

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