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Mystery man passes out money to Fall River fast food workers



Photo courtesy of Google

A mystery man has been putting smiles on fast-food workers faces in Fall River…and even a few customers.

According to several reports, an unknown man has passed out $100 bills at multiple spots in the city.

Vanessa Bly, who works at D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches at 16 William S. Canning Blvd, described her experience with the mystery man.

“I thought he had come in with a customer that was ahead of him because they were standing kind of close, but he wasn’t. I was actually nervous because it’s strange to have some random person asking if it was just my coworker and myself working, and if not, how many others were here. I told him 4 of us, and he reached in his pocket, took out a wad of cash, counted out 4 $100 bills, placed it behind my plexiglass and said he wanted everyone of us to get one, he would be watching and to have a good day. He was wearing a red hoodie, nothing fancy.”

Bly is looking to find out who the mystery man is.

She also said that she knows of at least one other fast-food restaurant that he stopped at.

“He went as far as Papa Gino’s where (my friend) works.”

There have been reports of him stopping in at least two other locations.

At Wendy’s he reportedly gave all of the workers a $100 bill and thanked them for coming to work, then gave two customers a $100 bill each and thanked them for their patience while he rewarded the workers.

One person reported that he walked into a Fall River McDonalds, but the general manager would not allow the workers to accept the money.

By the reports, it appears he went along William S. Canning to Mariano Bishop Blvd.

UPDATE: More reports of mystery man (men?) passing out money to workers, customers in Fall River

Do you know who this man is or know of other locations he stopped at? If so, let us know at or send us a message on our Facebook page.



  1. Rc

    January 23, 2022 at 12:24 am

    Why wouldn’t the gm from McDonald’s let the worker’s take the money? Would it really be a problem ? smh.

  2. Keliza

    January 23, 2022 at 8:34 am

    sad that the general manager of said McDonalds didn’t allow this!

  3. To Bad

    January 23, 2022 at 1:19 pm

    Hey general manager, great job promoting morale at your establishment.
    You just turned your hard working underpaid laborers against you.
    Whenever you can do something or just allow a little kindness and appreciation be extended to them the morale boost would have increased their productivity.
    Poor judgment.
    So sorry for those that work for you.
    Not sure your reasoning for the choice, maybe corporate tipping policy?
    But… should have allowed it.

  4. Unaffected by COVID-19

    January 24, 2022 at 8:43 pm

    People will forget the mystery man handing out money before they forget that a power hungry gm denied her workers much needed money that would not have affected her in the slightest.

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