MassDOT announces changes to traffic pattern as part of Fall River Route 79/Davol Street Corridor Improvement project

According to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, changes are coming concerning the Route 79/Davol Street Corridor Improvement project.
To accommodate ongoing utility installation, Brownell Street will be reduced to one lane of traffic 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for approximately 4 weeks beginning Saturday December 9. A police detail will be onsite to facilitate two-way alternating traffic on Brownell Street.
Vehicles will be directed by an onsite police detail to alternate two-way traffic where Brownell Street is reduced to one lane. We respectfully request pedestrians utilize the detour signage and cross Brownell Street at the designated temporary crosswalk. Signs will be posted 48 hours in advance.
Weather and unexpected circumstances make all construction activities subject to change.
During this construction phase, Brownell Street and Davol Street will remain open to vehicular traffic. Please take care to pay attention to all signage as it is posted.
Davol Street and Route 79 run along the Taunton Riverfront in Fall River. Currently, access between the neighborhoods and the waterfront is limited and the corridor lacks bicycle accommodations. MassDOT is redesigning the mile-long corridor to improve mobility, connectivity, and safety along and across Route 79 and Davol Street. The corridor will be transformed into a multi-modal urban boulevard, connecting the neighborhoods to the Taunton River while promoting economic growth by creating new development parcels to contribute to economic development.
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