
Massachusetts Republican State Committee Candidate Angel Pantoja Jr. back in court



A candidate for Republican State Committee was back in Fall River District Court yesterday facing a new set of charges pertaining to alleged abuse of a minor.

According to court documents, Angel Pantoja Jr. of Fall River was arraigned in October of last year on two felony charges; Assault and Battery with a dangerous weapon on a child under the age of 14 and Assault and Battery on a child with injury. A pre-trial hearing that was scheduled for December 6th was continued until yesterday, when the attorney representing Pantoja, Patrick McDonald, asked for the case to be continued again. The pre-trial hearing is now scheduled for March 22nd.

The new set of charges follow a similar charge in October of 2021 where Pantoja was first charged with one felony count of Assault and Battery with a dangerous weapon on a child under the age of 14. Those charges were introduced after a member of the Fall River School Department alerted the Fall River Police Department and the Department of Children and Families over concerns that Pantoja allegedly harmed a child. Pantoja himself identified that child to be his son. That case was eventually dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth in January of 2023.

Pantoja ran an unsuccessful campaign for city council in 2021 as a Democrat. Pantoja then switched parties to run as a Republican against longtime incumbent Alan Silvia for State Representative in House 7th Bristol District. Pantoja did not meet the deadline to switch parties for that election and was unable to be entered on the ballot. Pantoja instead ran a write-in campaign against Silvia and lost.

Pantoja is now a candidate for Republican State Committee for the First Bristol Plymouth District. State Committee men and women are elected to assist other Republicans in getting elected throughout their districts. Pantoja has shared that he has been endorsed by the Somerset Republican Town committee and former MassGOP Chairman Jim Lyons.

Image: Angel Pantoja Facebook

Pantoja will face off against another former candidate for city council, Gabriel “Boomer” Amaral in the Super Tuesday election on March 5th.


  1. Mortis Climaxximus

    January 30, 2024 at 6:37 pm

    Where there is smoke multiple times, there is probably a fire. What a piece of s***.

    • SonictheHempHog

      January 31, 2024 at 5:54 pm

      People should vote for Jeff Learjet! Guy has the best Double Stuff Oreos that money can buy!

  2. JedClamPit

    January 30, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Definitely a Massachusetts Democrat, just like his mentor Charlie Faker! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    • Ken Masson

      February 1, 2024 at 7:53 am

      This guy is just a Opportunist. Baker is a non-fascist that had to work with the predominantly democratic legislature and prove to be a good leader representing everybody. It’s called being moderate and not a radical extreme right wing radical of the authoritarian anti freedom fascist MAGAt’s minority.

      • HuntersCrackPipe

        February 1, 2024 at 12:23 pm

        Why do democrats love the militant fascist group antifa? If I’m holding a dog but you call it a cow, what do we have? We have a nilist who is in denial of reality.

        • Antifa hates stupid MAGAt fascist!

          February 1, 2024 at 2:22 pm

          You must be fascist if you’re afraid of antifa, a group that doesn’t exist! You know what it stands for right? Anti-fascist. But hey if you support an a****** authoritarian that disputes Democratic elections with no evidence and inciting an insurrection you too might be a fascist that people like me who are anti-fascist don’t like. Do you support book banning now you against science in favor of Christianity, something that’s totally unproven and full of hate? You might be a fascist! But because of the Dunning-Kruger effect you might not be smart enough to understand that you’re not smart enough to understand.

          But yet you probably believe in QAnon! So did they find that pedophile ring below the pizza shop in DC?

          They kept on telling that lie over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over to you and you believe that like a Nazi sucker you are!

          • HuntersCrackPipe

            February 1, 2024 at 6:08 pm

            No evidence that you are not a Ukranian Tard Bot judged by the fantastical hyperbole spewing from your toasted main frame. Long live the Republic. Down with progressive fascists who are in it to save humanity from itself. I am afraid of nothing you Lucifarian Nut Licker. Light up the dark!!!

  3. HuntersCrackPipe

    February 1, 2024 at 6:09 pm

    No evidence that you are not a Ukranian Tard Bot judged by the fantastical hyperbole spewing from your toasted main frame. Long live the Republic. Down with progressive fascists who are in it to save humanity from itself. I am afraid of nothing you Lucifarian Nut Licker. Light up the dark!!!

    • Antifa isn't fascist, anti-fascist.

      February 1, 2024 at 9:58 pm

      Progressive fascist? You really are an idiot! The The left extreme is communist. Remember that’s the thing the right is afraid of even though it’ll never happen just like you’ll never lose your guns but hey all you have is fear. But yet the right believes in and takes orders from QAnon!

      The extreme right is fascism and if you support Trump your fascist. You must live in upside down world. Yeah the party that bans books just like Nazis. And Trump saying he’s going to appoint the right people in the justice department so he can round up all his perceived enemies and put them in concentration camps. Can’t get any more fascist Nazi than that! It came right out of the orange Mussolini’s mouth and it’s on video no it’s not fake because many people witnessed it at his rally.

      It’s almost like the radical right minority wants to force it’s fascist radical views on the majority. All because you’re in fear of what you’re not smart enough to understand and a sucker to fascism.

      • AntifaShitStain

        February 2, 2024 at 6:45 am

        This fascist Ukranian tard bot has been programmed by a Messianic mench. Stolen elections, Wuhan Covid Plandemic, corrupted Dominion Voting machines, corrupt election officials, stopping vote counting simultaneously in several states in the middle of the evening, turning off America’s energy supply, sabotaging supply chains, dragging our country into countless military conflicts, off shoring America’s jobs, destroying the world’s Reserve Currency, propping up fascist dictators, running a two tiered injustice system,causing racial division, allowing the illegal entry of millions of criminaliens,running a grift operation with the first second son, cocaine in the white House, hookers daily, flying the first crackhead to criminal meetings on Air Force one,DEI Dujour, Jan. 6th planned fedsurrection,unprecedented lawfare against the executive branch, etc. etc. etc… Good work DEMONRATZ!

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