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Massachusetts Police rescue three dogs left in cars unattended during hours long concert in summer heat and humidity



Photos courtesy of Mansfield Police

Police rescued three dogs Thursday night after they were left in cars during the summer heat.

Mansfield officers assigned to Thursday night’s Phish concert had three unexpected visitors at the Roland Smart Public Safety Compound. Charlie, Lucky, and Lulu were three dogs that bike officers removed from cars left unattended while the owners went into the show. Even as the concert began just after 7pm, the temperature outside was over 80 degrees with high humidity.

Thanks to alert and compassionate passers-by, officers were able to respond quickly, remove the distressed animals from hot cars that did not have water or adequate ventilation, and transport them to Tufts in Walpole for evaluation after receiving water and a seat in front of cooling fans in the public safety compound.

Police reported that all three dogs are in good health.

Their owners will be summonsed to Attleboro District Court on charges of “Animal Cruelty” and “Confining an Animal in a MV causing exposure to extreme heat…”

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Rc

    July 16, 2022 at 10:38 pm

    Some people are really stupid

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