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Massachusetts man sentenced to prison after 20+ kilos of pills, 20+ kilos of loose powder seized



BOSTON – A Dominican Republic man residing in Dorchester was sentenced today for trafficking multiple kilograms of counterfeit pills, including pills that contained fentanyl, through the mail.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Justice, Rahelin Reynoso, 34, was sentenced by U.S. District Court Judge Angel Kelley to six years in prison and two years of supervised release. In November 2023, Reynoso pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute fentanyl.

Between September 2022 and November 2022, Reynoso worked at a pill press location in Mattapan, Mass. manufacturing counterfeit pills, including pills containing fentanyl, that were then counted, packaged and shipped to locations throughout the United States.

In November 2022, a search of the apartment where Reynoso worked resulted in over 20 kilograms of pills in various colors, over 20 kilograms of loose powder, numerous packages and mailing labels and three industrial grade pill presses being recovered. In total, over 12 kilograms of fentanyl were found in the apartment as well as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

Acting United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy; Michael J. Krol, Special Agent in Charge for Homeland Security Investigations in New England; and Ketty Larco-Ward, Inspector in Charge of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service’s Boston Division made the announcement today. Assistance was provided by the Boston Police Department; Massachusetts State Police; United States Customs and Border Protection; Drug Enforcement Administration; and U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Assistant U.S. Attorneys J. Mackenzie Duane and Jennifer Zacks of the Narcotics & Money Laundering Unit prosecuted the case. 



  1. Enrica

    June 5, 2024 at 4:55 am

    6 years for illegal drugs that could’ve killed millions? You’re joking right? How easy you’ve become on immigrants bringing drugs into our country with almost no consequences. 6 years? Massachusetts you still after decades are screwed up big time. When you care about your legal residents 1st I’ll be impressed. Otherwise it’s become a cesspool! Facts!!!

  2. Lee

    June 5, 2024 at 8:15 am

    It’s the same thing with everything. Illegal immigrants get beds at shelters while tax paying Americans have to sleep on the floor. They get free housing when tax paying Americans have to wait on the streets six months to well over a year HOMELESS, They get free clothes, free hot meals, ,99% of shelters are now only filled with ain’t fair. I paid taxes all my life and through no fault of my own became homeless. I sleep on the floor at night while they have entire shelters set up just for imagrants. If they bring their families, they get priority treatment. THE SYSTEM IS WRONG AND I AM ASHAMED NOW TO VE AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. I WOULD NEVER HAD PAID A DIME IN TAXES HAD I KNOWN IN A CRISIS, MY SAFETY NET was going to undocumented immigrants. AMERICANS SHOULD TAKE NOTE, GOD FORBID A CRISIS HAPPENS CUZ YOUR GOVERNMENT RATHER SERVE IMMIGRANTS BEFORE YOU!

  3. HeMustHaveBribed

    June 5, 2024 at 10:15 am

    1 kilo= 1,000 grams. So this dude had 12,000+ grams of uncut fentanyl alone. But then it says 20 kilos+ of powder so really 20,000 grams including other drugs and 20,000 grams of Pills. 40,000 grams of deadly drugs but only gets 6 years? The maximum for 1 of his 2 charges is 20 years. With this quantity, he should have gotten at least 10-15 years Minumum. Sounds like there could be some bribery happening behind scenes, where he paid for such a minimum sentence. Meanwhile, suffering addicts with only 1-10 grams for personal use, or 0.1-0.5 grams without cutting agents are doing up to 2 YEARS in Massachusetts, depending on what court and judge. Makes No sense. But then again the addicts don’t have the $$$$$ the dealers have to bribe.

    • Tracy butts

      June 8, 2024 at 8:31 am

      My point exactly! Do the Math people! Definitely bribery somewhere in that system is even in New Hampshire people are getting way more sentenced than what that guy got six years for all that somethings going on, but you’re right attics get shit and they get everything but the book thrown at them but when it comes to a dealer, they get six years give me a break. I think more investigating should be done on this situation Massachusetts you have a nice day

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