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Massachusetts family looking to raise funds after man reportedly breaks jaw, nose, teeth of their pet dog



Family photo

BURLINGTON — Chief Thomas Browne reports that the Burlington Police Department charged a man with animal cruelty following an incident that occurred at Mill Pond Reservoir last week.

On Tuesday, December 5th, at approximately 9:30 a.m., Burlington Police received a report that a 69-year-old man and his dog were attacked while walking around Mill Pond Reservoir.

Through an investigation, Burlington Police determined that two dogs owned by a man on a bicycle had become involved in a confrontation with the walker’s dog. The bicyclist, later identified as 45-year-old Austin Beliveau of Woburn, used his bike to attempt to separate the dogs, which caused the walker to fall.

Beliveau then allegedly beat the victim’s dog, which suffered serious injuries. The 69-year-old man did not report any injuries.

Beliveau turned himself into the Burlington Police Department on Monday, December 11th, at approximately noon. He was subsequently placed under arrest and booked by the Burlington Police Department on an Animal Cruelty charge.

According to family members, the dog, whose name is GiGi and is a rescue, has a broken jaw, nose, and had some of her upper teeth knocked out. The rest of her teeth were forced up inside of her jaw. GiGi was taken for emergency facial reconstructive surgery.

We were told that GiGi no longer wants to leave the house.

The family has set up a GoFundMe fundraiser for continued medical bills and to build a fence around the property so GiGi can feel safe, and her owners don’t have to worry about getting her out for walks, and she can live the rest of her years without the fear of another human hurting her.



  1. Rc

    December 11, 2023 at 11:24 pm

    That is so sad, makes me sick that people do this to defenseless animals!!!

  2. Woof

    December 12, 2023 at 10:41 am

    Eye for an eye. Jerk!

  3. Judy Marshall

    December 12, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    Can’t that poor man get money from the abuser to help pay vet costs??

  4. Rick

    December 12, 2023 at 5:12 pm

    Make the attacker pay all vet bills then give him the death penalty. COWARD!

  5. Rick

    December 12, 2023 at 7:47 pm

    I pity the fool that ever comes after my dog! 😠

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