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Market Basket, Target, holding senior shopping hours



Two more companies that are popular with shoppers have set special hours due to COVID-19 coronavirus.

Beginning tomorrow March 19th, Market Basket will initiate senior shopping hours specifically geared to accommodate the needs of customers 60 and older.

Each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. the stores will be open only to serve customers 60 and older.

According to the Market, this is designed to enable these members of our community who are at greater risk with the coronavirus to shop in a less crowded environment, which enables social distancing.

Target is also scheduling special shopping as the company is reserving the first hour of shopping each Wednesday to support vulnerable guests, including the elderly and those with underlying health concerns.

Target is also reducing hours to 9 p.m..

Market Basket locations are keeping their regular hours in addition to the senior shopping.

Stop & Shop announced earlier this week that beginning Thursday, March 19th, all Stop & Shop stores will open earlier in order to service only customers who are age 60 and over from 6:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m. daily.

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