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Letter: Fall River area woman completely turned her life around; looking for landlord to give her a chance to reunite family



FALL RIVER, MA – Fall River Reporter asked Casey if we could share her post. Good luck and congratulations on your continued recovery!

“These photos are 17 months apart.

“I’ve been sober for almost 2 years. I’ve overcame a lot of hardship and struggles and have completely turned my life around and become a totally different person!
It seems like the only people getting help with assistance are the ones who lie and cheat their way through the systems and have no intention of actually paying their rent after the grant runs out. They are giving a bad name to the employed, hardworking people who have turned their life around trying to be honest, people reunite with their family and have a safe place to live!!

“So, I have a question to ask. Are ANY landlords willing to work with RAFT? They pay first last and security. Me and my partner both have jobs, & at least a year of paystubs and can afford $1,400/$1,500 a month.

“Needs to be de-leaded because children and at least 2 bedrooms. Let me know. been searching for 8 months with no luck.

“It’s frustrating because a lot of landlords aren’t willing to work with RAFT because of the people who have ruined it for the rest of us. I have never had a place of my own to call home. I’m 25 years old I’m about to graduate the Recovery Coach Academy and work in the recovery industry to help other people like me.

“I have accomplished every goal I set for myself. I graduated EMT school. I quit smoking cigarettes almost a year ago. I became the assistant house manager at my Sober House, and I am a well-known, inspiring person in my community. It seems like housing is the one goal I’m struggling to accomplish. It’s very discouraging watching people that don’t actually need the help or deserve it, get it every single day!

“I was actually told by a lady that worked at Catholic Social Services for me to leave my safe and sober house and live at the shelter (where people are using) so that I could get assistance MAYBE within 6 months to a year!! Problem is you can’t be at the shelter from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I work at night I would be out on the street, in the cold, all day and I would have to leave my job because I wouldn’t be able to be out until 10:00 p.m. I would have to get rid of all of my belongings and subject myself to unnecessary conditions in the hope that I “just might” get assistance.

“I’ve been on every housing list, every housing agency and every housing authority list for almost 2 years now with no luck because of 9 to 21-year wait lists and ineligibility because I’m employed.

“The system is so rigged and backwards. They don’t like people who help themselves! I’ve been made so many broken promises that I would get help with this or that and they never followed through! I learned to help myself and I worked my ass off to get to where I’m at today.

“All my family needs is help with moving costs and we got approved for it, but it seems almost impossible for any landlord to hear you out for 5 minutes to try and help you. Most of them don’t even believe me and doubt me when I tell them I’ve had a job since I was 14 and that my partner and I have over a year of pay stubs! And rent receipts where we’re both living separately and paying $1,400. I’m paying nearly $800 a month right now and I don’t even have my own room!

“And yes, I’m the one who put myself here, and yes, this is part of the recovery process, but another part of the recovery process is finding a home and being able to move past all of this and live a normal life. Unfortunately, all the liars and cheaters are filling up wait lists and giving recovered addicts a bad name by getting assistance and then trashing it and ruining it for everyone else!!

“My DCF worker told me as soon as I find a home, my kids can come home. I have a 6-year-old and a 16-month-old baby boy. I messed up in the past, but I turned my life around, and only got to where I am today by making those mistakes.

“Mostly needed to vent but I also hope maybe this message resonates with somebody that might be willing to help me. Someone that might be willing to sit down and hear what I have to say and believe in me and give me a chance. Someone who is willing to have a part in the reuniting with my family and being able to move past my mistakes. I miss my kids and they miss me, and they just want to come home.

“Thank you for listening.”

Casey Asteria



  1. Chilli Dog

    December 3, 2023 at 5:57 pm

    As a landlord, there’s nothing scarier than a RAFT voucher. The rent will get paid for the length of the voucher, and if the people won’t vacate, guess how much you’re going to spend to get them out?


    It seems like the only people getting help with assistance are the ones who lie and cheat their way through the systems and have no intention of actually paying their rent after the grant runs out.

    I hope someone helps her but it ain’t gonna be me!

    • Eric

      December 4, 2023 at 1:37 am

      Yeah. People and attitudes like this are the problem

      • Daisy

        December 4, 2023 at 10:19 am

        It’s never the attitude of the addict that’s the problem!?

  2. Accuano

    December 3, 2023 at 10:29 pm

    Never did drugs never drank always worked was never on assistance but getting an apartment these days is hard for everyone not just you, I’m happy you turned your life around

  3. Greg

    December 4, 2023 at 7:11 am

    Why should the perpetual victim get help over the hardworking, struggling people who have done the right thing?

    When the voucher runs out, this type of person will blame the system just like they have no shame and are blaming their fake addiction, which was a choice.

    • Rubeo

      December 4, 2023 at 10:21 am

      100% especially when they’ve spent their lives lying and manipulating the system

  4. Rubeo

    December 4, 2023 at 10:41 am

    The math doesn’t add up -16 month old she doesn’t have custody of,but almost 2 years (24mo.) Sober? Seems like a good victim story, but just that a STORY!

  5. Marley=Profit

    December 4, 2023 at 3:13 pm

    Have pity on those whose chances grows thinna, there ain’t no hiding place from the father of creation.

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