
Healey receives endorsement of 4 city leaders during visit to Fall River Pier



Photo courtesy of Maura Healey Campaign

FALL RIVER – Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Maura Healey visited the Fall River City Pier today. In conversations with local elected officials and community leaders, Healey emphasized the need for investments in public transportation and neighborhood revitalization in Gateway Cities to spur equitable economic growth.

Following the tour, Healey announced the endorsements of several Fall River leaders: Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan, State Representatives Carol Fiola, Pat Haddad, Paul Schmid, and Alan Silvia.

“The Fall River Pier is a clear example of how we can invest in our Gateway Cities to spur equitable economic growth,” said Healey. “In what was once inaccessible space to the public, we now see the makings of a thriving waterfront neighborhood. That didn’t happen overnight – thanks to the advocacy of Fall River officials and investments in transportation and greenspace, economic development is coming to Fall River. I’m grateful to earn the support of so many of these leaders in our campaign for Governor.”

Healey stated as governor that she would prioritize expanded public transportation, including West-East Rail and Regional Transit Authorities and an increase in investments in port infrastructure to $200 million, a rapid expansion of the offshore wind industry, and support for community greenspaces, particularly in Gateway Cities.

Fall River will soon benefit from the expansion of South Coast Rail and the planned redesign of Route 79. The Pier itself is being transformed into a publicly accessible greenspace with parking, where the city plans to host community events. Fall River will also benefit from the growth of the offshore wind industry along Massachusetts coastlines.

“Maura has stood up for Fall River as Attorney General by investing in our opioid recovery services, protecting our workers, and advocating for economic development all along the South Coast,” said Mayor Paul Coogan. “I know she is the right person to lead our city and state forward. I’m proud to endorse her for Governor today.”

“Communities along the South Coast have different needs than Boston and Maura understands the kinds of support and resources our region needs in terms of public transportation, economic development, housing, arts, and culture,” said State Representative Carol Fiola. “I know Maura will be a Governor for our entire state and be an advocate for smart, equitable growth.”

“For years, Maura has taken on powerful interests to protect our communities,” said State Representative Pat Haddad. “She’s been a great partner in our fights for reproductive freedom, worker’s rights, and clean energy in Massachusetts, and I know she’s the leader we need for this moment. I’m proud to endorse her for Governor.”

“Through these difficult years of the pandemic, Maura was a strong advocate for public health and protecting our communities,” said State Representative Paul Schmid. “As we look ahead, we need a Governor who will lift up our Gateway Cities, invest in people, and grow our state in an equitable way. That’s why I’m glad to endorse Maura’s campaign for Governor.”


  1. MortisMaximus

    May 12, 2022 at 6:09 pm

    Too progressive and radical for the position of Governor of MA. Massachusetts should be a beacon of liberty for America, we are the birthplace of the American Revolution. Instead we will be a woke utopia divided from one another in every way shape and form available. Where is the political balance in Massachusetts? Massachusetts has been ruled by Democrats except for a couple of Governor’s who by any definition were complete RINOS. Just saying!

  2. MortisMaximus

    May 12, 2022 at 6:20 pm

    Economic development requires jobs. Pleasant street for example thrived because of all the factory workers who also lived in the neighborhoods. I know because I grew up and lived in the Flint for over 20 years. At 10 years old I would spend my earnings from my paper route in businesses up and down Pleasant st. Duffys drug store, Pat’s Coney Island, Wallys Steak house, Teixeira’s Barber shop, Liss Clothing store, Mark You restaurant, I could go on. No factories means no jobs means no spending means no businesses and no one to pay rents at tenements. Manufacturing jobs are the only answer to our city’s poverty problem.

  3. Ken Masson

    May 13, 2022 at 12:53 pm

    I believe Maura Healey is moderate left and has proven to be strong leader as attorney general. We are already one of the strongest states economically because of our many great educational institutions.

    Fall Rivers has been ignored by Beacon Hill for a long time. Reinvestment makes our state stronger and more competitive. Having a huge reliable source of green energy will also put us ahead of states that haven’t made the investment. 9,000 drilling leases out there that aren’t even being used because the profits are humongous. Time we break that cycle!

    PS, the choice from the right will definitely be a fascist trumpublican and not a a smart moderate like Baker.

    • MortisMaximus

      May 13, 2022 at 1:45 pm

      Show me one of your so-called Trump-publicans in Massachusetts. Anything conservative and moral in Massachusetts is incessantly attacked. If Green Energy is so great for the people it would flourish from private investment. The Federal Government has amassed quadrillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities. The “Green Energy”, “Climate Cange” fanaticism will drive Americans right out of relevance financially as we are seeing. The stolen 2020 election was a desperate move by the criminals who have infiltrated America. America is being systematically dissolved so that globalist banksters can crush the American people and our will to be free. If you need a central government control system to determine your destiny from cradle too grave, I am sorry for you! Republicans and Democrats are duopolist parts of our current system. Look where we are, totally divided. Stop touting Massachusetts Universities like they have a monopoly on intelligence. There is so much corruption between Massachusetts Universities and the Chinese Communist Party, I can’t keep track anymore.

      PS; Thanks for your effort at civility.

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