
Group of Fall River voters file lawsuit to stop Mayor Correia’s re-election



Ten Fall River voters are looking to block Mayor Correia’s re-election in the recall election that was held last Tuesday by way of a lawsuit.

According to The Boston Globe, the complaint states that the second question on the ballot where Correia was listed as a candidate has violated the city charter and that School Committee member Paul Coogan, should be the mayor. The complaint revolves around the section of the charter where it states if you are recalled, you can’t be appointed to any office for two years.

“Any person who has been recalled from an office, or who has resigned from office while recall proceedings were pending against said office holder shall not be appointed to any office within 2 years after such recall or such resignation.”

Despite being recalled by a vote of 7829 to 4911, Correia unofficially won Tuesday’s election with 4808 votes.

Mayor Correia narrowly beat Coogan who had 4567 votes.

1 Comment

  1. Michael Furtado

    March 20, 2019 at 6:20 pm

    Why are people upset?
    It’s not going to change. Why do you think his court case was postponed till after this so call recall election. He shows what kind of mayor he is by doing what he did the next day to two candidates that ran against him.
    He is a joke and yet he is still in.

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