Group looks to make significant modifications to Fall River City Charter, here are the changes they want to institute

FALL RIVER — The Fall River Charter Review Initiative has officially begun its petition drive, as the group looks to bring about significant changes to the Fall River City Charter. The petitions have been pulled from the Fall River Elections Commission office, signaling the beginning of a grassroots effort to address key issues impacting the city.
The group says that the campaign revolves around three primary objectives:
1. Increased Voter Turnout: The initiative aims to move election years strategically to boost voter participation and engagement in the democratic process.
2. Common Sense Term Limits: Proposes the implementation of sensible term limits for elected positions to encourage fresh perspectives and prevent the entrenchment of power.
3. Financial Accountability: Seeks to make it more challenging for the city to raise property taxes, water/sewer rates, with the goal of ensuring fiscal responsibility and saving taxpayers money.
With a target of securing 15% of the signatures from eligible voters in 2024, the group feels it is important to allow an elected charter commission to conduct a thorough review. This will put the question on the ballot that would allow for elected charter commission members. The initiative calls for the current unelected charter recommendation committee to release a report of recommendations without immediately asking the city council to act upon them via home rule petition.
“This will avoid confusing voters and provides the Fall River Charter Review Initiative the necessary time to collect the required signatures.”
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